What you think of my harvest??


Well-Known Member
I would have waited longer, but it will probably still be good. I usually wait until there's virtually no white pistils and they've receded into the calyx and the calyx has swollen. Basically it's when the plant is at the end of it's flower cycle and is done making flowers.

On a side note, do you live in the tropics? It looks like you have some tropical plants in the background.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I live in the middle of Africa, Zimbabwe... So the weather is fantastic. This was flowered with 15 hours of sunlight and 35c. I thought it would grow into a tree but it started flowering as I planted it.... It's not an auto flower so not sure why it never grew into a tree and I wanted it to flower during the winter months (3 months away)


Well-Known Member
Very nice indeed, but I agree with riktabrick on the white pistils, but if the triches says there ready, then you cut, nice bud.


Well-Known Member
Well I have a smoke report.....

I have never had stronger weed in my life. This stuff literally jammed up my grinder??? it wouldnt move! had to bash it open. Holy mother of *** this is some seriously good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Well I have a smoke report.....

I have never had stronger weed in my life. This stuff literally jammed up my grinder??? it wouldnt move! had to bash it open. Holy mother of *** this is some seriously good stuff.
Did you dry it enough?


Well-Known Member
sticky as in it kinda pulls/rips apart when you break it up by hand? and as long as you dont screw up real bad everyones first or second harvest is probably the best theyve had haha, I like to refer to that high as the holy shit finally placebo.

edit* 5 grams? I thought the pics were just tops..