whats a bad trip and how can i have one?


Well-Known Member
I have never had a bad trip on shrooms or acid. Well one on acid but that was caused by someone screwing with us while camping and thought they were going to kill us.

Anyways, the worst experience I ever had was on pot. One of those heart pounding, sweaty palms, feeling like you're going to die. It turned me off of pot for a few years.

Even after starting back and smoking a lot I still will only hit a new strain or unknown weed a couple times until I know how it affects me.
Anxiety, too much rosin/bho used to do that to me, body goes numb with needles and all, fucking scary lol.


Well-Known Member
@mikek420 Thanks for sharing that, you describe your experience very eloquently. I've never tripped, not acid or shrooms or anything. I hallucinated on Es a few times, fuck knows what was in them. I really think tripping would be a great tool in my spiritual practices. I've been thinking about it a lot recently but would never have considered it if not for my recent change in circumstances; I feel my environment is a lot more conducive to relaxing into a vulnerable state. I do have a tendency towards anxiety, like proper physical panic, so I'd have to be careful that I have enough of a relaxing effect to counteract that. What would you guys suggest starting off with? There's loads of mushrooms grow round here, my ex was always going on about getting some to boil up in a tea, but I don't think I'd be confident enough to pick them myself. I really like the idea of DMT, not that I know much about it, except it's meant to come from the pineal gland, as is melatonin apparently which my mum and daughter are taking to fix their sleep issues with great success. That's the kind of natural thing I like the sound of but have no idea how to really use or where to start. Any pointers much appreciated :peace:


Well-Known Member
@Cannacat Psilocybin mushrooms are pretty nice and mellow in low doses. I have no idea if they grow world wide. I assume you can buy them somewhere. I found them fun and cleaner than acid. I used to take a lot of them. Never had a bad trip on them.
I did on acid, I wouldn't dream of taking acid these days. I went through a phase of taking all sorts of stuff when I was younger. Many of my friends went too far with acid and a few never came back. Cant say I know of anyone shooting through with Psilocybin.
Worst case was one of my mates thinking he was a cube.
If you do trip on any substance then be with people you trust if you have had anxiety issues. Or on your own.


Well-Known Member
if your wife is wanting to check them out and make tea maybe she can id them when you get them? Try a couple grams to start with, too little and its annoyingly almost there (the trip feeling) but you'll never quite get there. Too high a dose and you might freak out with no experience


Well-Known Member
few days ago, i tried ayahuasca, which contained a few extra chemicals (rue/caapi, dpt, nn dmt, shrooms, 5meo dmt, DiPT)

I had a wonderful time. My friend E, stated that he felt a little anxiety (i was really chilled, reclined and seemed really calm to him, he thought at first he was supposed to be calm like me, then eventually eased into his trip and had a great time (almost took a trip killer [haloperidol] but decided to wait) he was really glad he didnt take it as he had a great time after his peak.

So my question is, what makes a bad trip?

Ive had plenty of trips in very high doses, some of which some of you guys are calling insanely high, and ones some people wouldn't get close to.

How can i have a bad trip? I feel like every one of my trips are very positive and uplifting, then i read a horror story here and there about having a bad trip.

Please dont take me the wrong way. I sincerely wish to experience EVERY side of psychedelics. I WANT to experience a bad trip. Maybe if i do, i could figure out somethings to help others not experience a bad trip.

What do i need to do to experience the dark side of psychedelics?

For this experience its been suggested to me to get drunk and sleep deprived. I cant drink too much as it is physically unhealthy for me (gallbladder removed dr told me i cant drink heavily or terrible things could happen ) but i will have 2-3 shots of hard liquor to try to put me in the not okness. Also sleep deprivation from now till sunday. Any other thoughts for how i can force a bad trip on myself?
slip on a banana that might do yea some good


Well-Known Member
Sometimes psychedelics and your mind will only let you experience so much at a time, even at high doses. Only "what you're ready for". A bad trip is whatever you consider a bad trip. It's a personal experience and opinion whether it was bad or not.