Whats a good salary for a Web Designer 2 years + experience?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering whats a good estimate for a intermediate level Web Designer. I have about 2 years official experience in the field and am a student in college pursuing my Computer Science Web Development degree.

I went to a job interview last week for a Web Designer job with a .com company and out of 80 Resumes/portfolios only 6 made it through to the interview stage. Out of those 6 interviews, Well needless to say, they picked me for the job.

I go in for another interview this week to discuss salary and other stuff, so whats a good offer for me to throw out there?

I'v seen varied salaries for web designers, and I don't wanna ask for too much and have them go with there number 2 guy. But I also don't wanna cheat myself out of a fair paycheck.

I would basically be designing and finishing full websites for tons of new local buisnesses, probebly cranking out a website a day. Working full-time as well, with benefits after a 30-90 day probation period.

Any ideas? I was gonna suggest 15$ an hour, but have seen as low as 12$ and as high as $20+. Also I would be the first and only web designer in this branch of the company for awhile, eventually hireing as much as 12+ full time designers, so I'll be the most senior guy in the design branch.

Anyone work in this field or have freinds that do?

Oh yea, It's a San Diego based job so salary should reflect the cost of living here.

Any suggestions appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Im a web devoloper/designer my self... and im telling you now... I have worked with some of the best web devolopers and they cant even crank out a web site a day, If your going to be programming the site and carving up your web templates you should be making alot more..websites can go from 300-30,000 depending on its size and complexity, I would ask him for 15 and ask for a raise later.. Start low So they would be more likely to hire you, then ask for a rasie later


Well-Known Member
Well, they aren't huge websites. I saw some examples of the work they produce and they are generally like 5-10 page sites, really basic. Mostly just XHTML, CSS, and minimal Javascript, and sometimes alittle Flash.

I would n't be coding a ton of PHP stuff or Database integration, mostly designing aestetically pleasing templates in photoshop/fireworks and transferring to tabled xhtml, with the occasional tabless CSS design.

And the timetable is 1-3 days per site to start, but expected to pick up as the company grows and more demand for more sites becomes apparent, at which point they will hire more designers.

In any case 15$/Hour was my initial gut feeling. After all, if I prove a valuable asset to the company then I can leverage a raise.

Thx for the info!


Well-Known Member
I would have an idea where you want to be at before the interview but DO NOT LET THEM LOCK YOU INTO A NUMBER so give them a range- say $15-$20. There are web sites that have salary calculators, based on where you live and your education/experience that might help too.


Well-Known Member
I would say if you already have a cert or any degree for that matter.. 15 is low balling buddy, though if you are in need for that job, you could take it, then keep looking for another job and ask for a better offer.

the companies are making tons of cash off of peons.. i'm not saying you are a peon, but 15 bucks is peon pay..

I myself get paid peon pay.. that's bullshit.. peons do all the work and don't get any cred!! fuck that..

if i were me, i would start doing free lance.. do some stuff on the site.. get your own company rolling.. :).. get your own peons.

i am looking for a designer myself.. got a few sites and people whom are looking for sites.

though you would need to be proficient in not just image/static designs..

the web has gone 2.0 and 3.0 cms/blogs/ and that type of shit is all over the place.

need to know flash/photoshop/and similar apps.

know coding. php at least.. :)..

but anyways.. just thought i'd put in my penies.. get paid dude.. dont' get screwed... though it's not always about the money.. just make sure and take care of yourself.


:weed: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do freelance work on the side for several construction management and real estate companies. And for that work I charge 25$ an hour, but it's not consistent enough to live off of, so this job would be greatly appreciated if anything for a steady paycheck. Worst case scenario I get another addition to my resume/references/portfolio.

Not to mention, the job market is horrible right now. Everyone and there mother is getting laid off left and right, so I'm not gonna get greedy. I mean 80 resumes for 1 job opening just shows you how competitive things are right now.

But I do agree with you 100%, these companies are charging thousands for the sites that us peons are making for a fraction of that.

I have my Certificate of Completion for Web Development, but am pursuing my BA in Computer Science. Specifically Database development, got a friend who just got his 4 year degree and started at 65k doing database development here locally!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do freelance work on the side for several construction management and real estate companies. And for that work I charge 25$ an hour, but it's not consistent enough to live off of, so this job would be greatly appreciated if anything for a steady paycheck. Worst case scenario I get another addition to my resume/references/portfolio.

Not to mention, the job market is horrible right now. Everyone and there mother is getting laid off left and right, so I'm not gonna get greedy. I mean 80 resumes for 1 job opening just shows you how competitive things are right now.

But I do agree with you 100%, these companies are charging thousands for the sites that us peons are making for a fraction of that.

I have my Certificate of Completion for Web Development, but am pursuing my BA in Computer Science. Specifically Database development, got a friend who just got his 4 year degree and started at 65k doing database development here locally!

right on.. good to see someone make some cash :)

well, i've been hearing that the jobs are being lost and see the numbers.. i'm not sure if am lucky or what the deal is, i work for hosting company.. not gonna say names, but it's pretty big, at least on the net..

i wanted more time for school was putting in my two weeks.. when i talked to my manager i was like.. well its kinda hurting my school.. and stuff..

instead of saying.. yea.. go ahead bye-e

he was like.. is there anything we can do to keep you here?.. i thought i sucked.. i mean.. i do the best that i can.. but i still feel that i suck.. so they wanted me to stay with them.. i really do like the company.. it's fucking nice.. super great to employees. but it was hurting my school..

but since they decided to work with my school schedule even more.. i stayed on board..

it's nice to know that your company likes you.. at least to a certain extent you know.. and for me to not be told.. k see ya.. when i keep hearing bout all these lay offs.. makes me feel even more good about it. :)..
