What's going on with my White Siberian?


Well-Known Member
I think that may have been it. Not watered enough with the combination of heat up to 30 made them soak up more nutes in the soil which caused some of the burning.
Soil can actually become hydrophobic if it gets too dry. I water in stages. Lightly water once and water a little heavier again in about 10 minutes.

I know you dont want to over water and that it may seem easy to do. If you are using a well draining soil you can water quit a bit.

Watch the humidity. If it looks to be staying low and you are seeing funny growth up your waterimg.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been using a digital ph meter and I believe it is calibrated. I have some buffer solution to re-calibrate.

Is it possible I just didn’t start feeding them nutes in time? I was reading a journal of someone also growing in FFOF and they noticed similar symptoms around day 19 and started feeding nutrients

I picked up an air cooled hood today so my temps in my tent are only around 23-24 degrees. Now I can officially rule out heat. Humidity is also up to a constant 60%.

Will the leaves turn back to their original colour if I fixed the issue or do I have to wait for new growth?

I’m thinking I should start feeding my nutrients I have the fox farm trio and cal mag+ to start feeding.
Yes that’s what I heard the Master Kush was flawless until just under three weeks. They are now 4 weeks old. The white Siberian I had issues with since they were only 2 weeks old. I’m using a Rozway digital ph meter I got off amazon for $25 - so it’s definitely not top quality. It’s brand new so I’ve only used it for maybe 2-3 weeks. Storing it with the cap on in my grow room.
That’s not from deficiencies. I’ve grown plenty In ocean forest. Dude that’s most definitely NOT a magnesium deficiency. Stop talking about feeding the plant. I can cut fox farms 50/50 with Promix and it feeds the plants over three weeks. You’re sitting hot right now. You’re loaded up. You have no deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
That’s not from deficiencies. I’ve grown plenty In ocean forest. Dude that’s most definitely NOT a magnesium deficiency. Stop talking about feeding the plant. I can cut fox farms 50/50 with Promix and it feeds the plants over three weeks. You’re sitting hot right now. You’re loaded up. You have no deficiencies.
I haven’t fed anything except cal mag. If it’s “loaded up” it’s from the soil... I got a new ph pen today so I will compare the 2 readings and post back.


Well-Known Member
Like dude said, watering it better, or rather not letting the roots get too dry may help if it’s indeed high in nitro. Dry soil, high temps only deepen the problem. I’ve had plants look like yours after transplanting into a mix that hasn’t had time to sit and “cook”. Took a while to straighten out.