What's in store for California in 2018?


Well-Known Member
you should see the bin of paper work I saw today. they want to tax: the grower per oz/or per SF then tax the distributor, and then the consumer. growers will have to pay for their own inspections/testing which can be done at anytime, or as many times as the county wants.

my brain is just screaming fuck!! this such a massive money grab. there is no other industry not even oil that is bent over this much.

permits, are now cancelable at any time for any reason. no refunds, and you pay to reapply. even alcohol lets you reinstate your status w/o charging if the fines and codes/violations are corrected. just he reinstatement fees 25k is better then 135k.

ADD: and you can end up on a ban list too.

to make things worse every county can draw up their own tax/licensing plans. if any: Chula Vista is doing the outright ban on all sales and cultivation, thanks councilman diaz.

this rec launch is gonna be worse then the medical stumble the last ten years. I hear medical cards are going to triple in price as well, just a rumor though.

why do all this, why not just make SoCal illegal fuck it, honestly its better off, lots of good people are going to loose a lot of money. and I have a feeling most of the legal outlets are going to have registration of some sort.

I couldnt make heads or tails of some of the double-print I was trying to read.; it should be all up on the CA.GOV web site Monday morning.

you guys take a crack at it.
I think you are right, the few first stores might have an advantage, but i think a lot of money is going to be lost trying to sort out and come up with processes which nobody really wants to do anyway.
so called "coming boom for legal marijuana" could well be a bust.
other problem I see is that anyone that wanted to smoke in California paid for a med rec, where are all the "new" boom smokers coming from?


Well-Known Member
Quit your bitchin, you wanted to 'free da weed......!'

Got what you deserved bunch of hypocritical sellouts......
Lilliputians in Sacramento have been throwing little ropes over "Freedom and Liberty" in California for 15 years. We average 900 new laws a year in California. NO such thing as "free".