What's new at Cannabis Therapeutics Today!

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OG Kush,
Neon super skunk
Skunk 1,
Skunk 5
Purple urkle,
Super silver haze,
Mex True blue,
Northern lights,
Cherry bomb,
LA Confidential,
Jackie O,
Bubba Kush,
Jamaican lambs breath,
I get a little tired of all the disbelief's.Come on by and check us out!:hug:
Thanks for the list Herbie! Some great strains, indeed. I'm no doubting you either, I just was curious and unfortunately I can't yet just drop by for a visit. Soon, soon.
I just can't get over all the lies and hype that some create to intimidate or sway people.We charge 25$ for your first year membership 15 there after.NOT 100.00$.We start at 100 an oz up to 500 for the dankiest.We carry over 40 different strains,edibles.lotions,tinctures,hash in several different forms.Well we run an entire store full of everything a patient might need and everything that others never considered to carry.Our state law is very specific to distribution.You might want to educate yourself before you get yourself or someone else into troubles.We allow all our members to grow their own as well as teaching them how.We personally attend all NORML legal seminars to better familurize ourselves with current statues.;-)
Farmer bob a good way to get through life:Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.:shock:
Thanx for the list, any one reading this should see you are trying to have something that should be affordable for everyone. The election is just a week away, Medical Marijuana is on our State's ballot, enjoying a 58% to 38% lead. We won't have the dispensary's. VV
Thank you for clearing that up! I knew it couldn't be true. If you are my caregiver do I get to share in the harvest of the plants you grow for me? What about the trim? I also heard you have genetics for over 300 strains (I hope this visious rumor is true!) do I get to choose what strains you will grow for me? Will any of the medicine you grow be entered in the Colorado Cup this year? Sorry for all the questions but making somebody a caregiver is a HUGE decision! I've been a patient/caregiver for years but dispensaries are new to me. As you point out... it could be up to $500 for a weeks supply from your store if I wasn't your patient. How much would the best be if I made you my caregiver? Would there be tax on that also? Could I check out the place before I made my decision?
Everyone shares in the harvests,My patients grow their own and we purchase the left over.:hug:.We only have genetics right now of 64 strains.:weed:The CO cup will be interesting at best:-|.We operate differently than most shops as we our entirely within and do not contract with the DARK SIDE:evil::fire:.And yes of course we charge taxes and pay them.city,state and federal.:hump:
thank you sir. sounds good. would the harvest sharing cover my monthly requirement? will you be entering any strains in the Cup?
I can not be a part of such an event,What about security and only open to patients.(looks like could be trouble):clap:You grow your own and we our here for you in between .:hump:Are you giving me plants to grow?Are you paying for the lights,electric,chemicals,water?Are you supplying a place?are you doing any of these things?Then why expect something for nothing?I don't need your numbers for anything -What are you doing for me???????????????????????????
Why ask what you can get instead of how can I help?:-|
Because a caregiver is SUPPOSED to grow for their patients! Not just SELL to them! That is RIDICULOUS!! You charge $500 an ounce plus tax to disabled people, often on a fixed income! What about people that CANT GROW THEIR OWN?? That's over $1000 per month!! At over $500 per ounce you are forcing patients to support the Dark Side!
First off we offer the only indegent program in the state,haveing a 33%indegent base that we support monthly.We offer medicine starting at 100 0z,not your blownout of the water 500,your screaming about.Why don't you share your program with us,so we can make up some hype and lies.My assistance program allows patients top products for discounted prices of 270 for a full.We offer our patients everything they can think of not just meds.Teas,gum,fruitdrinks,candies,chocolates,breads,cookies,hasish in five forms,oils you have never even seen,seeds and plants so they can supply thier own medicines for free.And you?You offer patients fear and lies and aLL THE HYPED UP SHIT YOU MAKE UP.Everyone can grow thier own after attending a couple of free classes at Cannabis Therapeutics grow classes.That is probably the reason we our CO largest caregiver in the state.We operate out of a secure commercial facility for over three years now as CO premier health provider.We currently our offering over 50 different strains not just one as Farmer Bob would have you buy.You sir our the DARK SIDE scareing patients into your lare.:hump::finger:and your scare program!!!!!!
We would like to see what you grow for your patients.:roll:Maybe its something to be proud of.Our you in this cup ,or just came up with it?
You know nothing about me, Old man. Anybody that questions you immediately gets attacked. I see it over and over again in here. I am just trying to clear things up. How do you know I have only 1 strain? I have 8 mother plants with more on the way to being accepted. My patients get an ounce for FREE every month. Hand trimmed... not the Trim-Pro Max like you use to collect the kief and sell it back for $50 a gram. If you want to get into a pissing contest Mr. "biggest dispensary in Colorado" we can do that. The ONLY reason you are the biggest is because you have NO COMPETITION in the Springs. But change is in the air, Old man. You should stop burning bridges or you will find yourself stranded. And why are you so hostile? I was just asking you questions. Take it down a notch, I dont wish to be your enemy.

I did not come up with the Harvest Cup, a little organization called Front Range NORML is hosting it. I was lucky enough to be selected as a judge so I didn't enter my strains.

If ANY MMJ patient wants a FREE sample, please PM me, no strings attached.
I can not be a part of such an event,What about security and only open to patients.(looks like could be trouble):clap:

WHOA. I have busted my ass, giving my time to NORML, volunteering with this event. The same event you asked for a ballot and invitation to over at the Marijuana Radio Forums (~~The 2008 Colorado Medical MJ Harvest Cup~~ - Page 2 - Marijuana Radio Community Forums) Sorry they couldn't make you judge for free, Norml is a true non profit and has to pay for the event, but you had the same opportunity as every other medical patient in the state to be a judge. You were given the tools sorry if you didn't take advantage. Obviously Farmer Joe did. The fee was only 100.00 to judge. Sorry but slots were open for three weeks after you knew about it. Back in the first week of October, when you first read it was a NORML event, not a farmer joe show.

You obviously don't know the details of the event or cared enough to check them out, and honestly I expected more from you. Interesting at best? I just threw a stack of your cards in the trash. Support those who support you. And that would not come in the form of scaring patients or bad mouthing the event you wanted to be part of such a short time ago.

BTW>>>> to Coloradoans, if you want more info check out this flyer or FrontRangeNorml.com or call the FRN President Gregory Stinson at 720-224-4529. Oh yeah, participants are not the same as attendees. Judges and Entrants must have MMJ card in Colorado, public is welcome!!!!
Why do you keep asking the same questions and answering them with lies and hype.You continue to try and scare patients into misconceptions.Just like I need a trim pro for what I grow,(I have never keifed any products..I never applied for JUDGE or competitor to this event.I was informed by my attorney not to attend.:cuss:You have asked the same shit twenty times ,check all your posts :finger:I attack when lied about by SHYSTERS LIKE YOU.:dunce:Same smuck different channel.I have had many PM with your crap.:finger:
Why not just pull my pictures and announce me winner:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
Herbie, Herbie, Herbie...what is up with you man? One minute I'm thinking maybe I will come down and visit your place in the Springs once I get my card. And the next minute you're filling this board with your divisive verbal vomit.

Why are you so touchy? Why do you think everyone is out to screw everyone else and that you're the savior of all medical patients in CO? The more you spew your tripe against anyone and everyone who you perceive as a threat, the more I lose what little respect I have left for you. It's a shame that anyone coming to this board from CO sees your rants as the face of the MMJ movement there. Grow up!
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