What's that? Leaf showing some spots.


Well-Known Member
I found this Recipe against Thripse: 2 Tablespoon Olivio Oil with litte bit Soap in 1 liter Water. Spraying every 3 day's
Every 3 days can hurt the plants i found...spread the application out 4-5 days for those oil based foliars.


Well-Known Member
Every 3 days can hurt the plants i found...spread the application out 4-5 days for those oil based foliars.

I think i will buy this tomorrow in the Flower store near me the company are Top in the German Market so it will Helps for sure I can't find the other products near me ore Online on Amazon etc https://www.hornbach.de/shop/Schaedlingsfrei-Pumpsprueher-Neudorff-Spruzit-500-ml/5067747/artikel.html?wt_cc2=108006262447&wt_cc3=448499939412&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-7T-uer68wIVibh3Ch1cMALlEAQYASABEgK1OPD_BwE&wt_cc6=5067747&wt_mc=de.paid.sea.google.alwayson_assortment.gar.pla.751335976.108006262447.&wt_cc1=751335976


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I bought the stuff from the Vege Center and Spray on my Plant. Some Buds looking know Burn the Hairs are brown so early what's wrong?
