What's the best approch when the lights/power goes out during flowering?


Well-Known Member
So the power went out last night for almost 2 hours!

I couldn't decide which option would cause the least amount of stress to my plants.

1. Let the lights come back on when the power does (adjusting the timer to the correct time also). This interruption results in my plants getting 4 hours of light, then 2 hours of darkness, and then another 6 hours of light to finish off the day.


2. Unplug the lights when the power goes out resulting in just a 4 hour day of light, and then resuming regular lighting times the next day.


I'm did option 1, even though I was worried that the 2 hour dark period in the middle of the plants 'daytime' would be more stressful than giving the plants one short (4 hours), yet uninterrupted, day.



Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry, it usually takes more than one lighting event to trigger any reaction from the plant.
Think about it, some strains take 2 weeks to show sex, things take time in a plant, so i belive your o.k.!! JUST DON"T LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN !!!!! LOL Just kiddin, no problems.