Well-Known Member
Quoting a source that states itself that "needs improvement" and needs further siting isn't suggested.
Are you saying that a wavelength of light can not perform more than one function? Yes, 730nm has a major part in phytochrome production and the Pf/Pfr states.
Here is a link to 53,800 articles/studies on the Emerson Effect.... greatest performance is with wavelengths greater than 720nm. You know... just like the one you linked before that stated the same thing.
I have come to the full conclusion that you misinterpret/troll everything, due to the few interactions of straight shit you have spewed from your keyboard when you post. I'll disregard you from now on. It gets old proving the village idiot wrong. The best I can hope for is that you pull me down to your level of stupidity and beat my with your vast experience.
do you even know what the emerson effect is? Basically increases activity of chlorophyll b.
you really need to go back to school. you really have zero comprehension of anything. you cherry pick a few words here and there just to support your so called findings. you call every single person and company out. use wiki as support. That's a joke. from your prior post you obviously didn't read the whole thing. you just copy and pasted the numbers you saw.You obviously did not read the other links or even one of them that fast. Thats impossible..you just argue for the sake of arguing. even in the first study it says how the emmerson effect worked at 653nm . did you skip that one too.
I have such a low tolerance for stupid people like you. on top of it I bet you have never grown anything before and have zero real world experience. I bet you never heard of emerson effect until you saw my post.
btw that first study I posted was from 1964. the other ones are very recent
Also where the hell do you get off calling me a troll. I went over every single one of your posts. Every single one is you arguing and / or trying to correct some one. The majority of them you are clearly wrong. You are the true definition of a troll. I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned from riu..
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