What's The Deal With Afghanistan?


Well-Known Member
I spent a few months in the Pakistani tribal areas along the Afghan border, and hung out a bit with Pathan tribesmen. These are extremely beautiful people, very wild and proud, like they just stepped out of some biblical epic. They are socially sophisticated, with a lot of charming old customs and formalities. The women usually wear full chador and a lot of the men wear kohl around the eyes and dye their beards red to show how religious they are. The hashish is, of course, devastating. The opium too. The landscape itself is very dramatic, 'Nature red in tooth and claw'. People are generally fairly poor and everything has been turned on its head since the Russians came in, and now its our turn to kill a bunch of harmless peasants. For those trashing the place, its so obvious you're pulling your worthless opinions out of your ass its telling that none of you pause before posting to think just how fucking stupid it would be to show off to the world how little you know.
To save people the effort...Chador:

They would wear this if it was 110 degrees or 10 degrees would they not?

How "equal" would you say men and women are in this "socially sophisticated" nation?

I do however know that George Lucas owes these peoples royalties.


pro grow

Active Member
Just like you got to keep your genitals covered. Besides risking getting splashed with acid, wearing those robes protect them from skin damage from the sun also.

The Knuck

Active Member
is this for real, LOL

Afgahanistan is a shit hole where a little girl isnt even allowed to go to school, just boys,

did they have a history of good smoke or hash? yes but so what.

i bet southern cali and BC produces better weed now then they do.

its an ass backwards country, where their own goverment and army do everything they can to keep its ppl down.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
is this for real, LOL

Afgahanistan is a shit hole where a little girl isnt even allowed to go to school, just boys,

did they have a history of good smoke or hash? yes but so what.

i bet southern cali and BC produces better weed now then they do.

its an ass backwards country, where their own goverment and army do everything they can to keep its ppl down.
Says who?

I have been to Afghanistan, and I have never once seen the government, ANA or ANP try to keep the "people down". Oh and girls are allowed to go to school. I wonder where you got your information from. The Taliban (wich actually means students, irony eh?) doesn't want them to go to school, but they still do. The hash in Afghanistan is unbelievable, and extremely fresh. The majority of the locals that I met, are infact extremely chill, and loved to share whatever they had, wether it be tea, bread or grapes (they are pretty poor so it meant alot to me).


Active Member
I never said smokin afghan hash did qualify anyone and who said anything about pinching genitalia? Some cultures are still barberic yes but not afghans, unless their defending themselves or following their law which being a person who studies law they have a better system than our profiteering type racket of prisons going on at the moment in western cultures that has some serious slave labour type mechanism attatched.

Actually I'm well travelled and I have met Afghans, they are very solitary people but very social if given the chance aswell and they talk about life not stupid shit so don't assume dude it's not good for you most of the time you get proved wrong when you assume things. As for getting off the grid did you ever hear of a "freeman on the land" if not look it up, I'm already working to being "off the grid" and can't wait until I am I just need to settle debts in this world before I can do it as I want to leave honourably. IF i went to Afghanistan I wouldn't sell everything and get a ticket back to the USA for 2 reasons :-

1) I live in Ireland,

2) I'm not materialistic I would look to join a village and help them to farm the land or tend to the animals and work just like they do and live like they do.

Anyway my point was that no-one said they were there and banged on about how much of a shithole it was, still no-one has said they were there the closest we've came is me saying I've chatted to one or someone smoking afghan hash, which isn't an Afghan human being or the country.[/QUOT talking to someone smoking afghan hash in no way makes you more qualified to speculate on the living conditions or work ethic of the afghan culture.

Would you pitch in and help mutilate the genitalia of the women in the village?


Well-Known Member
I never said smokin afghan hash did qualify anyone and who said anything about pinching genitalia? Some cultures are still barberic yes but not afghans, unless their defending themselves or following their law which being a person who studies law they have a better system than our profiteering type racket of prisons going on at the moment in western cultures that has some serious slave labour type mechanism attatched.

your one of those people


Well-Known Member

but there's more, better quality information available online on afganistan than on brownwood, texas.

and i have friends in the military who have gone. and the most impressive part is the lack of vegetation....


Well-Known Member
They also grow the most opium.With iraq,I think its the oil,but also the ancient treasures,and, must rich in minerals too.I would'nt be surpised if they got teams of treasure hunters there,like in indiana jones.

pro grow

Active Member
Heyk Laintime has new movie. O yea, I ripped off the backspace key so bare with me.
Gonna watch this than make my post so...
OK. I have experience with brownish type humanoids. I spent a mo in moroco aka mexico. I went out and got high all the time with mexican prostys. They wernt actually prostys though, just bored girls who taught me spanish for $50 U.S. I swear I learned mexican in 2 weeks of looking out for myself. I think I would love afganistan mucho gusto right? Also in my sights is cuba. I have cousins from columbia\\\\\\\\\ I want to fuck them. I love brown girls right?


Active Member
I never said smokin afghan hash did qualify anyone and who said anything about pinching genitalia? Some cultures are still barberic yes but not afghans, unless their defending themselves or following their law which being a person who studies law they have a better system than our profiteering type racket of prisons going on at the moment in western cultures that has some serious slave labour type mechanism attatched.

your one of those people

Oh yes I'm one of those people that doesn't just listen to the bullshit and opinions of useless cunts I use my own brain, I actually have met afghans and know what they are like on a personal basis, I also study law and our legal system is fucked, did you know the america alone has 5% of the world population yet 25% of the prison population? Did you also know I'm from Derry city in Northern Ireland where Bloody Sunday and the oppression of nationalists went on up until ten years ago and we had british troops on our streets like the afghans and iraqis do now? Tell me that our system is better I'd enjoy a good laugh.


Active Member
Rib-splittin' :'D Ah sure the whole world's fucked in different ways...I wouldn't be arsed anymore I'm too stoned I'll constructively use my cynicism elsewhere, happy weed smokin' lads.


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan IS an amazing country. No army has ever defeated the Afghan people, all the greatest have tried. Alexander the great, The Romans, Russia, The Persians, Mongols and now the USA is going to fail also.
Any modern military can defeat a nation state with ease, but no one, can defeat the will of the people.

(i said that :p )


New Member
yeah, i kinda agree with warlord.

aftganistan is a shithole. nothing but high altitudes, bad weather, infertile land, and to top it all off a society still living in feudal societies where religion is taken waaayy too seriously.

the only good thing in afganistan is probably the trillions of dollars worth of precious metals.

but getting it out of the ground would cost more than what it's worth b/c the fucking afgans like living in the fucking stone age, and nothing americans do is going to change that.
I have to take issue with the infertile land comment, Some of the best Hashish in the world comes from Afghanistan, afghani gold and afghani black. Also some of the best opium/Heroin comes out of fertile fields in the country. Afghanistan now produces the majority of quality Heroin for the planet, the Hash, well I wouldn't know since the last time I smoked afghani hash was in the 70s, I'll bet our troops over there know about the hash, In fact, I believe the origin of the "Hash" plant comes from Afghanistan, so maybe there is hope for a peaceful Afghanistan after we get our asses booted out of the country, put the best hash back on the market. I wouldn't be surprised if some of our troops coming home aren't bringing a little back. When my brother came home on leave from Viet Nam, He brought 3 OZs of Cambodian red, Great Bud.


Well-Known Member
Says who?

I have been to Afghanistan, and I have never once seen the government, ANA or ANP try to keep the "people down". Oh and girls are allowed to go to school. I wonder where you got your information from. The Taliban (wich actually means students, irony eh?) doesn't want them to go to school, but they still do. The hash in Afghanistan is unbelievable, and extremely fresh. The majority of the locals that I met, are infact extremely chill, and loved to share whatever they had, wether it be tea, bread or grapes (they are pretty poor so it meant alot to me).

the girls go to school because the taliban is busy trying to keep the US militarys boot out of their ass.


Well-Known Member
I hope this thread is a joke.
Let’s face it anyone who thinks Afghanistan is a beautiful country is delusional. It is assuredly a dump. This doesn’t mean that the shitty country doesn’t contain some tid-bits of beautiful landscape or some sparse nuggets of interesting and colorful culture. However, it is still a dump. Anyone who says otherwise has not been there in a long time. It will continue to be a shithole after the U.S leaves. It stayed a shithole after the Russians (and the Americans) left back in 1989. The country will remaine a shithole because the Afghanis are going to continue to fight each other after we leave, just as they did last time. Einstein’s definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". So you tell me is it insane to think that Afghanistan will stop being a war torn shithole after we leave this time?