What's the most valuable lesson in life you've learned thus far?


Well-Known Member
Just in regards to whatever the most important thing is to you. Health, mental wellbeing, work, being a good parent, spouse, friend, boss. I had 2 but I think mental wellbeing is more important that work so mine is simple but very true.

When I was 19 years old I was tripping on acid at this famous (in certain circles) hippie campground/venue. I was alone sitting next to the quarry and this old head came up and asked me if I wanted to know the secret to life. I did. He told me "the secret to life is to be your own best friend". It didn't really hit me until about 15 years later and the way I interpret it is that if you don't love/like yourself no one else is going to either. It was once I stopped trying to change the type of person I was into what I thought was "cool" and just started being okay with being weird and not cool, that I finally found freedom. I fucking like the way i am. I wish more people were as considerate as me. Not to say there's not things i do that i hate and wish i didn't do, but those vices don't cause me to hate myself anymore. It's crazy too bc it's the fact that I don't care if people think I'm cool anymore that makes me cool. Pssh but I don't care.

Ps: being in your mid 30's with a family will help a whole hell of a lot with being okay with the person you are.