What's the point of casing?


Well-Known Member
I'm about to start a bulk tub for the first time. I'm going to use a horse poo/coco coir mix and coco and vermiculite for casing. My question is. What's the point of the casing? From what I've read once the casing is partially colonized then I start fruiting? Just trying to understand the process better.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to start a bulk tub for the first time. I'm going to use a horse poo/coco coir mix and coco and vermiculite for casing. My question is. What's the point of the casing? From what I've read once the casing is partially colonized then I start fruiting? Just trying to understand the process better.
u talking about this
http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=Growlog&Number=723303&Forum=Growlog&Words=horse poo tek&Match=Entire Phrase&Searchpage=4&Limit=25&Old=6months&Main=723303&Search=true#Post723303


Well-Known Member
It serves to signal the mushroom that food is growing scarce, it helps prevent damage to the substrate, it serves as water storage and a residence for beneficial organisms.

It is oftem the first point of contamination. It is unnessecary for a common grower but very important in orchestrating flushes if many sorts of mushrooms.


Active Member
It creates the micro climate necessary for primordia to form. The casing allows a wick effect to occur, and this evaporation and rehydration cycle is what you are looking for. Everyone could benefit from casing no matter if its just pf cakes or tubs.