What's up RIU??


Active Member
What's up everyone?

I've been growing for about 2 years now. Got a 10x10x8 in the construction process at the moment, but I ran into some problems getting the power turned on. Should be soprted out within the month, so I can get back to gettin' my 4kw on. :clap:

So for now, I'm back in the basement. 3x3 sealed room, 1kw hps, Co2, running 6 c99 ladies courtesy of Joey Weed.

I'd consider myself an organic guy, but for this run I am actually using the full House&Garden line since it was gifted to me, and I have never run chem nutes so I can't hate until I try them out. Looking forward to learning and sharing my experiences here. Hopefully meet some cool people like myself in the process.



Well-Known Member
Ah welcome to RIU! Hope u add sum valuable knowledge and if u wanna post sum pics of ur c99's up please let me know!

best of luck