Whats wrong with my Clone?


Active Member
ok here i am again with more problems but aye its my first time so i cant moan that much..my new set of leafs at the top of my plants have come threw.i checked them yesterday and i noticed they looked deformed as the top leafs are are curling straight down and not growing like they should be.there curling in from the sides of the leaf too in to like a cucoon shape if thats what ya wana call it.anyone had problems like this before?any inputs.im guna put some pics up but the quality is crap so sorry about that.thanks in advance,also some of the lower leafs arnt growing too.could this be a ph problem?View attachment 917074View attachment 917075View attachment 917076View attachment 917077View attachment 917078View attachment 917079View attachment 917080View attachment 917081
Ok first of all watering from the bottom has its problems as well as letting the plant sit in its run off after you water like with saucers and such. You should try and drain to waste when doing soil and coco if you dont all the salt and toxic ph conditions just build up and sit in the soil and cause ph problems and nutrient lock outs and when you do water and feed (from the top) allow about 10-20% run off so all residual nutrients will get flushed out leavings your plant with a fresh solution in the soil as some nutrients will be used at different ratios by the plants. As for flushing completely put twice the amount of water that there are gallons of soil/coco so for a 2 gallon pot use 4 gallons of water ( u can use a clerex type solutions if you wish) and that will get the soil pretty clean from salt build ups and after the flush water your plant with a 50-75% strength of a PH BALANCED nutrient solution . That will cure just about every nutrient/ph problem you will ever encounter with plants.


Well-Known Member
cheers man.ill try doin what you said.would you not bother watering from bottom then?do you think i should just flush the plants and water from the top only?also how much water/nutrient solution would you feed them at this stage.ive been feed in them a quarter the strenth of nutrient in my water.i feed them from the top every day with a quarter of litre of feed and every other day i feed a litre from the bottom.do you think flushing my plants will sort the leafs out at the tops of my plants.cheers.only askin because after ive flushed you said allow 10-20% run off but im only watering a quarter litre of feed so there will be no run off.thanks for your help man


Active Member
no i dont personally think watering from the bottom for container plants is good and yes i would suggest a flush it will kind of give you a clean slate. Also when your watering/feeding you should water enough for runoff. If a liter poured into the substrate doesn't create runoff you should be watering with a larger amount of solution until that is achieved.


Well-Known Member
ok cheers man your a big help seen as tho like i say its my first time lol.im just wanting the new leafs at the top to stop curling straight down as soon as they show up.they curl down an then the sides like curl in...ive just done a flush and the ph run off was 5.9 on one plant and on the other plant it was 6 ph run off.do i now wait till my coco soil is dry to give them a feed or should i do it now.ive got my feed at 5.5 ph.does it sound ok mate.thanks for your help :) ill post some pics later see what you think.cheers man


Active Member
I couldnt really see the leaf curl to well the pics were kind of out of focus but leaf curl alot of the time is associated with brining plants from its flowering stage to its vegative (reveging) were your clones once in flower or taken off a flowering plant by chance? And you run off PH sounded like it was right where you want to me actually. And no coco can never really over water as long as your not letting it sit in water anyways you can water that right after you flush it has much better aeration capabilities compared to regular soil. And a solution of 5.8-6.0 would be optimum for you feeds


Well-Known Member
erm i dont think it came off a flowering plant no.but to be honest i couldnt be sure as i got my clones from a friend...but ive took up your advice on just top feeding an feeding as much so i get a run off after.my feed ph is at 5.6 so i think ill wait wile the soil dries a bit then give them a feed.hopefully the top leafs will sort themselves out soon.im guna put a pic up of the top of the plant.you may be able to see it beter.oh ye i forgot to ask.is there any chance of me overwaterin the plants when im feedin them as much to get a run off from them.do i feed everday the same amount so i get a run off?cheers mategrow 003.jpg


Active Member
Over watering occurs from the frequency of watering not the amount at one time. The constantly being saturated medium keeps oxygen from reaching the roots, coco has a lighter more spongy consistency so it is much easier for air to reach the roots and can take much more frequent watering than regular soil . And yes whenever you water water until u get run off . Good luck and if you want whenever someone gives you advice that help you can give them reputation points... its the little star underneath their post on the left hint hint lol :)


Well-Known Member
ok well going on what you just said im guna let the soil dry out untill next feed,there still very wet from the flush so there next feed could be a couple of days.ive just took a few more pics to put up.ive also noticed all the small new leafs seem to be growing upside down for some reason.have you ever come across a problem like that.thanks again manmessed up leafs 002.jpgmessed up leafs 003.jpgmessed up leafs 001.jpgmessed up leafs 005.jpgmessed up leafs 004.jpg


Active Member
The only time i have seen irregular growth like that is from a plant either coming out of flower back to veg or its just a genetic failure of a plant in itself do you only have 1 plant going or are they all like that?


Well-Known Member
hi again mate.i have 2 plants at the moment goin.strain is blue cheese.on both the plants the new leafs are curling down before they can get big an some growin upside down so the light is hitin the back of the leafs instead of the fronts.its kinda thrashing my head now lol.cant figure out why there growing like they are.cheers


Well-Known Member
ive had my 600watt hps right at the top of the tent.could this be causin the leafs to look deformed?ive just moved it down to 18inch above the lights lol


Active Member
I dont think the distance of the light source would cause abnormal leaf growth. If anything it would just make them stretch and become leggy.


Well-Known Member
hmm,ok ill just have to see if the leafs sort thereselves out,hopefully they will.ill post sum pics in a few days to show you whats goin on,only thing i dont have is a ec truncheon,ive got everything else i just need to no were im goin wrong because ive obviously done something wrong for the leafs to start growing like they are.my ph was 6.4 when i first started growing them 9 days ago but ive brought it down to 5.3/5.5 so ill see what difference it makes :)


Well-Known Member
aye up again mate...just thought id mention!the other day i left the light on 25 hours so i could change my cycle so the light was on more at night than day,could this of made the plants think they was going in to flower and make the leafs look deformed??cheers


Active Member
no leaving the light on for a extended period wouldnt do it. I leave mine on 24 hours all the time. Off would have been another story some peope leave the light off for 36 hours when they switch the lights to flowering that way the plant knows for sure without a doubt to start it flowering cycle.

ps switching around your light cycle too much isnt the best for the plant if you do it in flower and may cause hermaphrodites yikes


Well-Known Member
ok.well i guess i just got some bad cuttings then.i just bought a ec truncheon today and its 1.2 so it wasnt the nutrients cheers.a guess ill never solve the problem lol


Active Member
did you get that new meter?? was your pH really 2?? that's more fucking acidic than lemon juice, man (pH of 2.2). pretty much everything i've read has recommended against miracle grow, so why don't you get some good soil and maybe ask for some new clones? MJ is a picky plant, man. it may be able to survive in shitty soil, but it won't thrive. i've got 10 babies goin' right now in fox farm ocean forest, and they're lovin it. i barely feed them any nutrients even tho they are 5 weeks old. just superthrive now and again and some sweet juice. FFOF provides all the nutes you need until flower, man!