What's wrong with my environment??


Active Member
Hempy Hydro Grow:
- Growing from SEED
- Plants are 2 WEEKS - 1 MONTH old
- Hydro system: HEMPY
- brand/type of nutrients: GH, SUPERTHRIVE (very lite or none)
- Ph of your nutrient solution? 5.9 - 6.3
- PPM/EC of your tap water? 20 - 70
- Lights do you used and how many watts combined? 400W MH
- How close are lights to the plants? 1 FOOT
- Grow space in square feet: 2 X 3
- Temperature and humidity: TEMP: 67 NIGHT, 84 DAY, Humidity 30% day 70% night

Just hoping somebody could point me in the rite direction here. I have the same problem with all my plants of this age.

Seedlings look healthy, hit the res, start growing well for 3 or 4 days then almost stop and look like this. The leaves are very papery and droopy. There's a mix between very light leaves, some dark leaves and dying leaves. You can also see the black blotches. I thought this was where I spilled some water on the leaves but now it's happening to the healthiest one (last pic) and I've been very careful to keep water off the leaves.

All of these received a very light nutrient solution last week to get some improvement but they just curled more immediately
Currently just getting water with one drop of superthrive per gallon, NO NUTES. I know for a fact our city water is very good and I do test the PH so what's up?

I should mention tap water's PPM is between 20 and 70. Is it possible these are mineral deficiencies simply because the water is so damn clean? Would cal mag help? How much would I use?

The last picture is my healthiest girl and is just starting her annoying journey down this road her sisters have taken already. I water every 2 days (if they feel light) and only until a little runoff comes from the res.

I burned the plant in the 2rd pic a while back and have been flushing for a week (she's over a month old!!). nhe just got more nutes today but it's constantly back and forth. I water it with nutes or not, it slightly recovers for 2 hrs or so then goes all papery and droopy again. Now I see my final healthiest plant having the same thing happen and it makes me sad.

What about my environment do they hate so much?


Thanks for any responses



Well-Known Member
I am only vaguely familiar with the Hempy bucket system, but those plants look over-watered. Try lengthening your time between watering, or tweaking with your drain holes to get a better flow of water. The roots need more time to dry out and take in some Oxygen. Everything else sounds perfect. Seriously, though, I would just about bet my left testicle that it is an over-watering problem.



Well-Known Member
Well at 1ft. that 400w MH is putting out about 40,000 lumens on those plants, at 2ft it'll put about 10,000 lumens out, about as bright as the sun... Personally I'd keep it at 2ft as we all see what the sun does for our herbs :mrgreen: