What's wrong with my plant?


Well-Known Member
Possibly too much chlorine, try leaving your water to stand for 24 hours before mixing and feeding.


Well-Known Member
My guess and from past experience of this happening is it is being over watered or the plant is getting to cold. How often do you water and what type of temps are the plants exposed too? What light cycle and nutes? Looks like it can recover fairly easily once the problem is diagnosed.


New Member
It's at 86 degrees, just watered when the soil was bone dry, and it's in ffof soil and I haven't added any nutes to it yet, thanks for the replys!


Well-Known Member
Okay I see the twisting in the new growth. And I also agree with yoda as it may be a chlorine issue. If so those leaves may stay deformed through out the grow but all new growth should come in normal.


New Member
I use distilled water from Walmart, and before I planted I added dolomite like to the soil.


Well-Known Member
I've been told that FFOF is kinda hot for new plants, and 86 degrees F is outside their comfort zone. So there's at least two problems.