Whats wrong with these leaves? No problem or signs of a bigger one to come?


Well-Known Member
I transplanted these girls into 7 gallon buckets with organic super soil (subs recipe) in the bottom half with roots on the top. They were in 1 gallon buckets with just roots for about 10 days before transplanting. Now 4 days later some of the oldest foliage is freaking out a bit. I know the RH was too low the last week or so, it was sitting at 30. I now have it at 50% with the lights on and 80% with the lights off. The plants over all, right now, look really good and seem to be growing quickly. I did top them all after transplanting so I'm sure they are stressed out. But what is up with these leaves? The first two are of the same leaf and the last picture is another plant.

Here are a couple shots of the whole plant. Looks good right? Again this is only showing up on the oldest leafs on all my plants (6 of them), the leaves that were present on the fresh cuttings from the grower who provided them to me weeks ago. My guess is a combination of too low RH and these leaves not being used to this strength of nutes so they are not happy?? But again just a guess. I touch these leaves and they feel cool and are still soft. I wouldn't think the plants roots have made it into the super soil yet so it shouldn't be be nute burn right? I dont know. Thoughts ideas? Rep for both...