What's Wrong?


This is one leaf out of three on the plant that are exhibiting the same signs. It sin regular soil with 13-13-13 pellets in the soil started 2 months ago. i water regularly when soil is dry and the ph is normally around 6.5 to 7. the water i use is about 7 after i allow it to rest for 24 hrs. any ideasbabypl.jpeg


3 75 watt flourecent plant lights 4700k and 3 75 watt incandecent plqnt lights. The incandescent lights are about 4 feet fom the plant.


Well-Known Member
hmm , not sure but i dont like the npk your slow release are.it could be maybe your watering to much and the nutrients are breaking down to fast causing a lockout.


13-13-13 is bad? The rest of the plant including new growth is lush deep green and growing well. Its just those three leaves which are on the lower end of the plant. If that is the case, what should I do. Also a little off topic but if I wanted to transfer this plant to a ebb an flow using hydrton could I, simple put, up root the plant by mucking the soil and rinse the roots then transition to hydroton? Thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
if the new growth is lush and its only 3 leaves dont worry about it.yes u could do that , just be very carefull when rinsing the soil from the roots and be sure to use lukewarm/semi warm water.


Well-Known Member
Its a deficiency, upgrade yours nutes as the pellets aint doing the job anymore.