What's your fav movie(s) of all time ?


New Member
Its really hard to pick one or two as my favs as there are so many.. But 2 of my favs were on TV today.. "True Grit" starring John Wayne and "Rudy" the best sports movie ever IMHO..

Fill Your Hands You SOB !!


And im not even gonna lie, I still get a lil misty eyed every damn time I watch the ending of Rudy..I just cant help it lol.. You GOTTA love the underdog!


whats some of your fav movies?


New Member
Also my fav Al paccino movie "Scent of a woman" .. Awesome movie IMHO! I think its his greatest performance ever. He actually makes you believe he's blind. HOOHAA!!!


"Im Just Gettin' Warmed Up" FTW!!


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time in America.
Lock stock and two smoking barrels.
Schindlers list.

to name but a few...


ahh... there are so many that i love....

boondock saints
varsity blues
up in smoke


New Member
good movies guys.. some more of my fav scenes from my fav movies ( yes almost all my fav movies are John Wayne movies lol )

From "Mclintock"



New Member
Rio Bravo!!

Awesome movie.. John Wayne,Dean Martin,Walter Brennen,Ricky Nelson,Angie Dickenson



Well-Known Member
im not sure on favorites..but these are movies i can watch over and over again....

empire strikes back
a new hope
rock n rolla (its a new favorite)


New Member
Yes on the aformentioned Little Big Man and Serial mom.

Hobbs, did you read the short story "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption? (that's the name of the story). The books are always better than the movies.

I really love Bandits. Billy Bob Thornton is awesome in that flick.

Hang 'em High. That is such a badass film that Van Halen wrote a song about it....... leather 'cross his thighs, blasting out the night, his cap hides his eyes......