What's your job title and pay?

No, that kind of fun needs a personal twist to the crime. But, I will say he got fucking close. Also, that thing scared me like in my teeth.....the sound was horrific plus, like a 1/8 chance it would of killed kim. He was more afraid than if had cocked a 12 gauge for sure.

I know the sound, I have a studded flashlight that puts out 1 000 000 volts. It is illegal in some states and it is formidable sounding.
laborer/operator/truck driver-pay depends on the job.Pay scale starts at twenty and goes up to just over 50/hr.And I'm broke as hell(don't tell Lahada I tell her I'm rich in the pms)
laborer/operator/truck driver-pay depends on the job.Pay scale starts at twenty and goes up to just over 50/hr.And I'm broke as hell(don't tell Lahada I tell her I'm rich in the pms)

How do you get started in this field I would like to get into this kind if work im a hands on type of guy

How do you get started in this field I would like to get into this kind if work im a hands on type of guy

you are only 20 correct? I think it'd be pretty hard to get hired as a truck driver that young. My buddy is otr driver and he makes well over 150k/yr.
construction, work is some of the easiest to get, I'd start by scoping out big jobsites. just go in and talk to contractors. Most big companies are always looking for entry level grunts. It's where ya gotta start.
Can you swing a hammer and read a tape? How bout ladder work? Gotta be able to climb.
Not just truck driving. But laborer,loader operator,any type construction.


I don't know if it's any diff in the USA , but here any young bloke like yourself thats hands on could get a starting job as a laborer , pay won't be that good
but you have to start somewhere . Then if you show them your a good worker it would be in there best interest to give you more training , witch means more pay
start at the bottom and work your way up .
You will get more qualifications and expeirience as you go .
How do you get started in this field I would like to get into this kind if work im a hands on type of guy


My uncles owned a company.Once I learned how to read a tape,shoot grades,read plans) I suddenly(10-15 years...lol) became a valuable labor/operator.Lots of guys around here go to a trade school (couple days) to get their CDL.Then its off to work.Bottom of the ladder but a chance to learn the ropes.
Drug tests are a real bitch in this field nowadays.They make truck driving a crime if you have dirty pee.The guys on the job that get paid are the civil engineers
I don't know if it's any diff in the USA , but here any young bloke like yourself thats hands on could get a starting job as a laborer , pay won't be that good
but you have to start somewhere . Then if you show them your a good worker it would be in there best interest to give you more training , witch means more pay
start at the bottom and work your way up .
You will get more qualifications and expeirience as you go .

thats how it is,exactly.
Work in the oilpatch pipefitting and maintenance, steamer operator, truck driver and heavy equipment operator. After taxes i get about 5000 a month, and sleep in my own bed at night which allot of people cant say here.
Amen to that union pipefitter and pipe welder make between 80k and 100k plus but I have to work almost 3000 hours annually to get it. Always on the road. Trying to find local work as I have 4 girls to support now that wife is gone. Love my girls and my own bed more than the money.
thats awfully fast to get to supervisor-good work
When a big company like Verizon goes on strike Ups union drivers won't deliver. If you're willing to cross a line you can get fast tracked to supervisor because that's who brings the packages. Atleast that's one way to do it, not neccasarily the case in the guy you quoted of course.
Well ive taken woodshop since 7th grade,ive built many thing recently in past years I learned a how to make a green house with my grandpa few years back,redid flooring and supports on.other grandpas house,roofed a garage,installed sprinklers,Ive had to stand 20 feet high up on a ladder to paint the crown of a house doesnt bother me. Also helped build the deck in that pic. I just got started this last summer doin mortar/stone work. Learned to lay concrete last summer also...I like taking pics lol



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