When and how to sex them.


Active Member
I have some bag seed in solo cups right now about 2 weeks old, I would like to put them in a new and permanent pot ASAP, how old do they have to be for me to get the sex traits? I know they will have to be under 2700 lights and 12/12...At least I think so...


Well-Known Member
Most plants will start growing preflowers independent of light cycle when they are mature enough. All strains mature differently but it usually takes 3-4 weeks from seed. I would recommend transplanting them into their final pots as soon as possible though.


Well-Known Member
You can always force them into maturity by switching to 12/12, it usually takes 1-2 weeks after the switch before you can sex them. The best thing to do is veg them until they grow alternating nodes and preflowers on their own.


Well-Known Member
I've been lucky, my last 4 have all given this before I expected it.closeupoffemale_zps704af451.jpg
And again, lucky bagseed, I have not seen this.closeupofmale_zpsc3d6c7a7.jpg


Active Member
Nice pictures, would u care to explain, I can see so much detail and that might help others as well...

It says veg day 38, is that about normal time?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's about normal when you let them mature on their own, but those pictures don't show alternating nodes so they were most likely forced into maturity under 12/12.
The first indication of a mature plant is alternating nodes, the plant will start to grow 1 leaf set at a time instead of 2.
