When diluting hard water with RO is extra magnesium via epsom salts typically required?

Hey neighbor!! I come into Cambridge all the time, mostly for the beer and food at Gators Tail

Holy crap, 600 ppm! I wonder how yours is almost twice as hard, especially when you guys have a usable water source! Wow
Yes the water here is really hard ( west galt)and is dirty as well..I have two pre sediment filters before it gets to the R/O system,and they are black in a couple of weeks of use.
Yes the water here is really hard ( west galt)and is dirty as well..I have two pre sediment filters before it gets to the R/O system,and they are black in a couple of weeks of use.

That's crazy.. I know we have really hard water but I wouldn't have guessed it was that bad .. I guess that river that runs through the area is very brown looking indeed .. nice to meet ya man !
That's crazy.. I know we have really hard water but I wouldn't have guessed it was that bad .. I guess that river that runs through the area is very brown looking indeed .. nice to meet ya man !
A brown river isn't necessarily polluted, it may have to do with sediment or the make up of the ground under and around the river. It's also possible it's just dirty as hell lol.