when do I put my 1 inch rockwool cube seedling into my dwc bucket? +rep for help


Active Member
it's been about 5 days since germination and things are looking good roots pokin out the bottom

how long do I keep the cubes out of the dwc bucket?

Also, when is healthy to start using heavily diluted nutes? two weeks from germination?



Active Member
should I put it in with only water? on manufacturer feed charts it says WEEK 1 VEG, it doesn't say week 2 seedlings :P
Everyone says seedlings can survive with only water for 2-3 weeks. So 3rd week I can start consider it to be week 1 veg?


Well-Known Member
If your going to keep them in the 1 inch cubes and the roots are coming out the bottom already, you can start giving nutes with really ppm lvls 400 and lower. If your going to transplant them to bigger rockwool i would until its at the bottom of the new rockwool and do as i said before