when do I transfer seedlings into the buckets?


Well-Known Member
First time grow here, I have 6 Pure Afghan reg seeds from DNA genetics that are just starting to sprout through my rockwool. When do I take them out of my greenhouse (which is just my wifes cookware with a plastic lid on it, and sitting on a heating pad), and into the bubble buckets? I believe I need to wait untill the roots come out the bottom of the rockwool, but just want to make sure. Do I need to give them any nutes at all before going into the bucket, or just keep the cubes moist with reg water? Also I have heard a couple different views on water level with the seedlings, how far below the roots should I have the water in the buckets? I was thinking about 1/2inch into the rocks, which would be about 1/2-1 inch below the rockwool.


In regards to when to move them into your buckets: You want to wait until you see roots coming out the bottom. When you transplant your babies from your dome to the buckets you want to take your time. first crack the dome and slowly let the humidity drop. At the moment they are use to high humidity. some seedlings have issues adjusting to the rapid change. So what you want to do is let the humidity drop maybe wait an hour and check on them if the seedings start drooping you want to put them back into humid conditions (they're not ready yet give it another day and try again) if they look fine then your good to go.

For watering ... you just need to make sure the cubes are moist.... don't over water ( only lightly water if cubes seem dry) make sure the water you give them is ph'd as well.

For nuts there is seedling solutions such as a root execrator out their that work really well but technically you really don't need it

lastly. are you going to be top feeding at all?

hope this helps ya


New Member
I put them in my net pots when they first sprout out of my rapid rooters. When I used 3" net pots I put a single layer of hydroton on bottom of pot then put cube in and covered it. Now that I just use 2" net pots no hydroton just put cover on it, and no nutes until about 3-4 true nodes.


Active Member
You can transfer them to the bubble buckets after the roots have come through the rockwool. Like BigBuddah said dont gve any nutrients until you have at least 3 or 4 nodes. The #1 reason seedlings die is growers give seedlings nutrients.