When do you start training ?

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
I have a couple plants that are about 3 weeks old is there anything I can do to them now to improve the final product ?

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
I start training when I get a well developed 5th node and continue throughout grow, But I do autos.
Man that looks beautiful. How's watering those pots with holes on the upper part ? I got a few cheap ones from htg supply store and didn't realize they haf holes from top to bottom.


Well-Known Member
For me. I wait until the top of the plant can go slightly over the side edge of the grow bag when I bend it.

Easy to tie down and keep the top below the the other nodes looking to form. Once they grow out repeat that same process in different directions.

That original top will continue to grow. I pull that down again and curve along the side of the pot until all colas are even.

I rarely top anymore. I don't really see the point.