When Flowering do you switch to all nutes?

When you flower do you switch to all nutes every watering instead of (water,feed,water,feed,etc)?

How about for autos?


Active Member
I'm finding that these pot plants can handle a ton of nutes. I have been watering mine with almost double of 10/30/20 with a tablspoon of molasses for a mo now. The girls are soaking it up, just today i notice a few lower leaves browning, but no biggie. One of my girls is/has been drinking twice as much and very little burn, the buds are fattening up nice. I'm thinkin the more the merrier, and as soon as possible, workin them up.

Also the 12/12 for flower is wacked, more light equalls more photosynthsis, equalls more growth, I had super skinny buds until i upped the nutes and light to 16/8. Oh, the light is a 400w MH, with T12 florescents, fatties on the way finally.


Well-Known Member
Try to feed when the plant needs it, not according to a schedule because plants can not read schedules. I generally do not feed every watering unless symptoms of deficiencies start to appear, that is when I up the feeding. If everything is going ok I apply maintaining doses to support the green foliage, If the green starts to lose its hue I would up the dose. The frequency of feeding is not as important as the overall dose applied over a set period of time, you might for example feed every 2nd watering 1/2 strength or every watering 1/4 strength, both regimens supplying the same amount of nutrients within a given time period. Plants prefer less nutrients being applied frequently than thrusting full strength into them every now and then, not that some can't handle it though.

Generally the plant will require more nutrients (especially nitrogen) during the first 2-3 weeks of flowering when stretching occurs and then become less hungry towards harvest time.

Autoflowers, from my experience, are not as nutrient demanding as regulars and thus can be fed more lightly, but I can not speak on behalf of all autoflowering strains.

good luck and don't be afraid to experiment as that will give you the most accurate answers!