When is it to late to bring it inside?


Active Member
Hey. So a few months ago i ran outa room indoors and could not maintain my plant so i gave it to a friend. and he added it to his outdoor garden. well his other plants that (where) Insanely far behind are now FAR ahead and are about done. Well we are expecting a frost in the next 3-4 days. we had a week frost this am.

So my question is. How much risk is there if it can even be done. Can u dig up a plant and pot it into a pot and bring it back indoors? this plant is alrdy in flowering and who knows what it looks like for roots. I fear leaven it outside it wont yield anything anyways not enough time left. The plant is about 4 feet tall.

Side question. Question my buddy was wondering. On his plants his buds are turning purple. he was thinking maybe some kinda mold of some sort forming on the buds them selfs?


Well-Known Member
You are not going to be able to dig it up and replant it. If its going to freeze. You could try covering it. Thats all you can do.


Active Member
thanks i figured up rooting it wasnt going to be a good idea. now its confirmed lol. well guess we are going to have to try to cover it. kinda draws attention to it. only problem