When is to late???


Active Member
When is to late to take clones if there is such a thing..Also how do u re-veg or whatever u call it when u take ur nugs of and put it back to veg...Any info is cool thanks everyone..


New Member
you can take clones at any time even in flower. Thing with taking them in flower is that the clone will think its flowering for a few weeks before reverting to veg. For reveging harvest most of the plant and leave a few branches and flip the lights back to 18/4. Its kinda hit or miss though.


Active Member
You don't need new containers and its difficult to replant a big plant but if you can do it without too much arm it will certainly promote growth.
If you are cutting buds off you are talking about re-vegetating a plant. Cloning should be done before you are close to harvest, but if you re-veg your plant after harvest you will get new growth. That new growth can be cloned just fine.


newbe here. Plant is budding,(good not great) but had to bring inside. Q is how will changing light cycle affect bud vs over all growth? Noticing new growth directly out of buds on plant. please advise...