when ordering from attude seed bank, do you have to???

When ordering seeds from attude seed bank do you have to buy a tshirt or cup? Can they just send the seeds in stelth contain letter? thanks


Well-Known Member
you can opt out of the tshirt or mug but then they wont guarantee it, because they have no stealth option(an envelope is not stealthy)

if you pay for the shirt or mug they can "hide" it in them and will then guarantee delivery

imo its worth it for the guarantee
will the postman leave it at my door, or is it sent UPS? Can,t believe they can not send the seeds like Nirvana does, or seeds Botique in a letter with some kind of potective case around the seeds???


Well-Known Member
united states postal service here, and yes the breeders packs TRY to protect the seeds, but if a 75lb box lands on em it may hurt
Have neer ordered from attitudes before, but Nirvanas and seed botique and Doc chronics come in a little plastic container that is mailed inside the letter, and have never had a problem, so I want to know how attitudes protects thier seeds in a letter??


Well-Known Member
you can order a crush proof tin but thats a little extra i believe. i guess the only protection you get is whatever the breeder packs have, like little vials and such... but i have heard of seeds being crushed being sent alone


It does come in an envelope with air padding, have never received any damaged seeds. Big Buddah's breeder pack is the best i have gotten, a nice strong plastic bubble card. Regardless, all of the seeds i have ordered have come through fine, with or without the t-shirt. The last one did take a month and a half to get here, arrived on 4/20, was a good present.