When shopuld i transplant?


I been growing these for about 2 - 3weeks one is in a plastic pot the others are in clear plastic cups, the ones in the cups seem to be growing completely different from the one in the pot. They smell more and the leaves are much bigger and they seem to be growing up more than out. They are under the exact same conditions so i assume its the seeds that are diffrent and giving me 2 different types of plants. Just wondering when i should transplant them in to something bigger.

This was around the first week
These were taken today they are very green and stank lol but a little droopy im not sure why.


Well-Known Member
Should'nt be growing in clear pots,cups,etc...Once you see a good amount of roots at the bottom,its time too transplant.


Well-Known Member
Should'nt be growing in clear pots,cups,etc...Once you see a good amount of roots at the bottom,its time too transplant.
Yeah! What he said, but first:
Take the plants that are in clear cups and "Double stack" them into a second cup that has the bottom and lower sides painted "Dark" (to block out the light). Making a removeable cover out of foil would serve the same purpose.


Well-Known Member
Clear cups are fine for that stage as they wont be in those cups more than a few weeks. When I was a noob, I was told 'transplant when you can lift the whole pot by the stalk of your plant'. Amateur advice but it sure gives you an idea as to when your plant is root-bound, which is when you want to transplant.