When should I serperate these two? Pics attatched


Well-Known Member
Crazy-mental "dro" is just local slang for not schwag weed. Anything grown properly with decent skill gets labeled "dro" or "hydro" wheter it's grow in dirt, hydro-, or aeroponics or whatever-ponics. Might as well call it sensemilla and go old skool. Most of the "dro" I get is grown by people with knowledge, skill, and good genetics. Take a look in my gallery for some of my aquisitions and where some of my purchases originate from.

The sprouties are in pots from Home Depot garden center their only 6" so I'll need to upgrade eventually as the ladies get bigger. Approx 20% perlite to 80% miracle grow with a layer of perlite at the bottom to help drainage. There's some newspaper over the holes in the bottom to keep it all from running out. I pretty much went straight from SeeMoreBuds' book.

I didn't know about the bark though that shits coming out before it molds. Thanks!