when should i start feeding only water?


Active Member
i am close to being able to pick my buds. i know your suppose to feed with only water 2 weeks before you pick the buds for a natural smoke and i know i need to chop when most hairs are reddish but when should i start feeding with only water? i cant get a pic but right now most of the hairs are white and the leaves are starting to fold.


Well-Known Member
let about 75% of your pistils(hairs) turn amber(reddish) before you harvest the plant. typical flowering time is approx. 9 weeks. figure out what week your in, and start flushing 2 weeks prior. try to get some pics up and people will help by givin you an approx. timeline of when to harvest.. then you'll know when to flush. good luck


New Member
i am close to being able to pick my buds. i know your suppose to feed with only water 2 weeks before you pick the buds for a natural smoke and i know i need to chop when most hairs are reddish but when should i start feeding with only water? i cant get a pic but right now most of the hairs are white and the leaves are starting to fold.
harvest time depends on the strain
look for when the pistils start receding into the calyx
or u can look for amber trichomes
i woulld start flushingwhen ur trichomes r cloudy


Well-Known Member
the last 2 we3ks before harvest i flush and stop fe3ding anything but molases,everyone has there own preferances on this subject tho,its gona end up being a method that fits ure taste,i love natural earthy high grade with a uplifting but stoney high