When should I start LST?


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is my second grow and I only topped my babies on the first, but I want to try my hand at some LST this time. I have 1 Power Skunk that I plan on LST (that sativa's gonna be a beast) and 3 Violator Kush. Anyways, I know the fundamentals and feel confident with it, but I need to know when I should start LST. Current pictures are attached. The first picture (skinny leaves) is the PS I plan on LST...the other 3 are my VK that I just wanted to show off. :mrgreen: (Grow Journal in my sig!) She's still too young, almost 4" and working on her 5th node, but you tell me. When should I start LST?


Well-Known Member
hey, thanks to everyone for the help! Went to the local garden center today and picked up some basic training wire, and also this spool of "twist tie" that you can cut to any length you want. Gonna see which works better. Anyone have a preference? Well, time for the first tie down! :mrgreen:
ewww! just say no to topping... just LST all the way...
Out of curiousity, what makes you against topping? I grew one plant in cramped conditions, and i had incredible results with topping. It was my first grow, though, so I don't know how much better it could be. Is there a significant sacrifice in yield, or quality even, or just personal preference?


Well-Known Member
I suppose personal preference... but most of the big time growers say not to top because it reduces potency, but I'm not sure they have ever done a actual study on this... all I know is that there are better ways then topping... exp. LST... haha LSTing is the best way to do it...doesnt hurt the plant and maximizes growth...


Well-Known Member
I suppose personal preference... but most of the big time growers say not to top because it reduces potency, but I'm not sure they have ever done a actual study on this... all I know is that there are better ways then topping... exp. LST... haha LSTing is the best way to do it...doesnt hurt the plant and maximizes growth...
Yeah i see what you mean. I think I'm gonna LST 3 of the 4 now instead of just one. When I topped last time I had multiple large colas (pictures attached), and I had just imagined that with LST I would just get a lot of small colas or something... I was just stuck on topping. LST looks really promising--I'm excited!:D



Well-Known Member
ya... you should do that... make it all scientific... haha LST some and top one of the others... see if you notice a major difference...


Well-Known Member
Each strain has its own genetics (genetics can vary in the same strain too sometimes) and each responds differently. I personally am not against topping but Im not particularly for it either. i personally just like to let my plants go in their natural form, just personal preference i guess. ive seen some plants respond very well to topping, others not so much. same for LST but im less experience with that method as I have never done it personally, just read about it. I would follow SlightlyStoopids suggestion and try both, see what works best for you and apply that to future grows.


Well-Known Member
I LST every plant I do these days and it just seems to give a better yield in the end. Topping ? Not really necessary. Don't wait too long to bend them, it isnt long before they start to stiffin up. I just cut up old coat hangers and bend the pieces in half to make tie downs. Now as the plant makes its way around the pot, I might top a few of the shoots that are getting ahead of the rest. Ideally, its nice to have the colas come up as evenly as possible so they get the same amount of light. They wont all be exact, but while vegging its something to keep in mind.
Dont be afraid to bend them around, and dont overthink the whole process


Well-Known Member
Yeah i see what you mean. I think I'm gonna LST 3 of the 4 now instead of just one. When I topped last time I had multiple large colas (pictures attached), and I had just imagined that with LST I would just get a lot of small colas or something... I was just stuck on topping. LST looks really promising--I'm excited!:D
First Grow?! good job really not bad at all. I am impressed. Try to keep the leaves slightly more green at harvest this time, you will get more yield that way. You can LST any time you want really. I like to LST when the top shoot can reach at the rim of the pots and just tape the fan leaf for a few days and then switch sides. You got yourself a large lollipop version. Each strain responds differently to different methods. For an Example OGs do great at LST, topping, and super cropping while the blue cheese and GDP does best at topping since they don't produce much lateral branching. Play around with it and you will see which method responds best for your strain. You could do different ones on each plant.