When to Place Germinated Seeds under Light?

The soil needs a ph of 7.5 to 8.0 wrong,soil should be 6.3 to 7 ,as with the seed up or down thing i never heard such rubbish
why are you posting rubbish like this are you a NARK............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
this is all kinda old but I will add this. the other day i planted just one seed as this is my first attempt at growing. The root grew almost an inch and a half out before i noticed it was getting skinnier. it was getting lots of CFL lighting and growing, but i was curios as to why my plant was a week old and still had no leaf. i took the little bugger out and the leaves were in the soil!!!!!!! the root grew up ward and out pretty damn far with out dying. i tried to replant it the right way around and it died with in a half hour. i now have 7 little buddies growing under 3 55 watt cfls ( day light ) and they all have their little leaves. :)
First indoor grow and quick question.Germinated and now have 4 seeds sitting in cups.All 4 just sprouted.24 hour lighting or no? SO...how much and for how long(weeks)?
Everybody might laugh at me but I germinate seeds the old fashioned way.. LOL .. Im a first time marijuana grower but I have planted many things. I drop the seed (pertaining to marijuna that is) about 1 to 1 1/2 inches into the soil and make sure the soil is very wet and in about 3 to 4 days, Presto... I have my plant above ground and taking light in on its timed cycle... I let the soil dry out a bit and start watering immediately with 1/2 strenth nutes every other watering and regular old potting soil with no nutes whatsoever, but I might be growing a diff. variety of plant, so I dont really know too much about mary-j but I do know how to get my seedlings to the top. They seemed to be very healthy... I have learned that if you plant deeper and your plant comes to the top, then you have better chances of it being stronger than if you bury it shallow... Thats what Ive learned in plant growth of every species...
So what about my previous post bout the lighting for my first sprouters? 24 hr light or now? And for how long? Lol
Hopefully its been said more then once, put seed in soil... water... done. Works every time like NATURE intended it too... You can do all kinds of others things but NATURE made them fall to the ground and grow... works for me.
I'm a newb and hydro but I've had 100% success on germinating and sprouting by KISS- keep it simple stupid method. It's a weed...
-24 hour soak in tap water (my tap is clean)
-paper moist paper towel (tap water) in a tuberware wrapped in a black tee shirt place on my cable box 48hrs later 1" tap root.
- I place it directly in my net pot tap root down with the seed casing close to the top of the hydroton.
-day 1 46w 6500k cfl far away day 2 double the lights and I wait for true leaves then start lowering the lights. I don't mess with domes or plastic wrap but I'm in dwc so maybe that's why. But I have great roots with in a week
LIGHTWARRIOR IS KILLING YOUR SEEDS. LOOK AT MY THREAD. Its the reason I joined this site finally after years. The world needs to know perlite and oystershells do not belong in seedling mix. It is jacked up with oyster shells that is keeping ph at 8.0 or higher. NEVER EVER BUY ANYTHING FOX FARMS TO GERMINATE.
Tap root up??? U r a moron
I went thru the germination seed up seed down experiment over forty years ago.. germinated and tossed 100s of seeds... side by side comparisons.. My conclusions were..point up or point down a lot of them grow in circles or upside down... If I put them on their side and let them choose they emerged faster... I've been doing it this way forever... how does it work naturally?
For planting germinated seeds... if the sprout grows straight... plant it down..
or pointed end down! ....if it has a hook .. the tip of the sprout goes down.. or pointed end up!...
Not all seeds auto rotate into the proper position..
This should explain all of the confusing views.. You're all right!!!!!!! Depends on the seed!!
i've found 4 and 5 inch long seedlings coiled up under the soil in cups, so i agree completely, if you plant a seed and don't see it within 4 or 5 days, start gently digging
ok so i think your biggest problem is your fucking with your pots and seeds to much huh? you seem to have checked on them alot over a period of what 4 days lol. im not experienced in anyway but im doin the same as you and its working find BUT i notice ive been fucking with my pot and shit and the truth is its not helping lol. maybe this is your problem it seems to be mine. Oh and the paper towel method covered with plastic works like a charm. took like 40 hours for a fourth inch tap and plastic over pot even better one day in pot and that night half an inch tall lol amazing to me.
I soak my seeds in bottled water for 24 hours then pour the same water and the seeds into a paper towel it should be moist not damp then place in a warm dark place. Withen 36 hours the seeds are popped and have taproots. I then place them down first knuckle deep in soil FF light warrior and puncture a tiny hole in the bottle of water cap and use that to lightly water as it won't disturb the soil.
I try to keep it simple. I get the lights going on the timer while the seeds are in the paper towel. I generally soak the seeds in water for a couple hours before putting them in a wet paper towel and in a dark place. I check on them before and after work. Generally, they pop in about 3 days.

Once the beans pop and have a small tail (I don't like them too long as I have broken the root tap before handling), I put them about 1/4-1/2 in down in the soil of their final pot. I then throw the pots in the box with the light cycle already going. I mist the top of the soil with water a couple of times a day to keep it moist. Nothing to it...
I basically do the same thing, i put my beans in a moist paper towel i then place them on a ceramic saucer plat with some additional water i place that plate on the top of my grow lite casing and the heat from the lite keeps them nice and toasty just did 2 seeds monday evening and by tuesday around 2pm they had cracked the seed case, i then place them 1/4 inch in soin in solo cups and misted the top portion of the water, be sure you have poked a few holes in the bottom of the cup so it can drain out excess moisture i then place those two cups in a clear tupper ware container and take the same size container and place it on top to keep the humidity higher in it and i keep them in the same room as my flowering plant 12hrs of light from my hps i do this at the last week of flower so that they start to grow a bit and by the time i chop up my flowering lady they can move over and go onto 18/6 at this point they should have at least 2 sets of leaves growing in addition to the embryo leaves. Hope this helps. and like another poster said have a high ph soil that drains well, is use FFOF and wormcastings, as i will keep them in these cups which are clear until i see roots on the outside of the the cup then they go into 5 gallon smart pots as there final resting place. Good Luck and Happy Growing. I would post a picture but not able to at the moment but will as soon as the picture problem is fixed.
After a very successful first grow I now feel like a newbie. Maybe I was just lucky with my first grow and no matter what I did everything went right. Now everything I do seems to be wrong. I do not have problems germinating seeds, but the seeds do not do well after that. There is so much misinformation out there on the Web that it's ridiculous.
I see where some sites say to place newly germinated seeds under fluorescent lights and some sites say wait for the first true set of leaves. Some sites say root up and some say root down. I have been following the advice of placing the germinated seeds under light with root up, but that has not been working too well.
Here is my process.
1- Germinate with the paper towel method in a dark warm place using purified drinking water.
2- Place germinated seeds in plastic cups with white tap root facing up and using FF Light Warrior soil once I see the white root emerge from the germinated seed. Seed is buried about a half in deep into the soil. Water is bottled drinking water. Soil is pre soaked before seed is placed in soil.
3- Cover the cups with saran wrap and place back in dark warm place until the seedling emerges from the soil.
At this point I have been placing under fluorescent lighting, but the seedling usually quits growing at this point.

Should I be waiting for the first true set of leaves before placing under light?
Tap root up or down?
What do you guys do?
Tap Root wants to be heading down not up!
Pretty simple honestly... Soak the bean in a glass of water for 12-24hrs then plant in a moist pot of soil. If the soil is under the light then keep slightly moist untill you see a sprout.

@wilbertski actually its common for a seed in nature to land on its heavy side or on its side (gravity) and when it does the tap root swirls before diving down creating a stronger base of the plant. So yes tap roots go down, but that doesn't make it common sense to plant the root downwards.
Pretty simple honestly... Soak the bean in a glass of water for 12-24hrs then plant in a moist pot of soil. If the soil is under the light then keep slightly moist untill you see a sprout.

@wilbertski actually its common for a seed in nature to land on its heavy side or on its side (gravity) and when it does the tap root swirls before diving down creating a stronger base of the plant. So yes tap roots go down, but that doesn't make it common sense to plant the root downwards.
I didn't say it was common sense.when your adding an already sprouted seed your best of putting tap root down was how I do it and this is why I said what I said to help the guy out.that's why he's asking what he's asking.for information on other people's experiences
So thanks anyway professor
For proper germination you'll need these supplies.
You'll need Fiji bottled water or Evian, which ever is more expensive. Needs to be blessed by the Pope before it's used.

Royal Copenhagen dinnerware at $2,250.00 a plate is expensive, but you only need two.

A handkerchief made of Vicuna, you can use fine silk like a commoner or peasant but your germination rates will suffer.

Pour 3oz of holy water in one of the plates. Gently place the Vicuna fur in the water, then add the seed.
Fold the Vicuna over the seed, place the second plate on the first face down.

Place in an environmentally controlled space kept at 80* and keep the bottom of the first plate exactly 81 3/4 inches from the floor. (this is for gravitational pull and taproot orientation, it's complicated)

In 43 hours you'll have successfully germinated 50-60% of your seeds.

You can place the seed in a solo cup of moist soil and not let it dry out.
I didn't say it was common sense.when your adding an already sprouted seed your best of putting tap root down was how I do it and this is why I said what I said to help the guy out.that's why he's asking what he's asking.for information on other people's experiences
So thanks anyway professor

My mistake, i keep forgetting people still sandwich beans with paper towels so if done that way then yes, tap root will need to go down otherwise it will dry out...