When to seperate sprouts?


I placed 2 or 3 seeds each in some small peat cups with soil and left them hidden outside to sprout. Well they have, and in some of the cups, both of the seeds sprouted. They are going to be outdoor plants. I know that the two sprouts can't stay next to each other forever, but if I dig them up now they will die, since they only sprouted yesterday. When is it safe to separate each sprout into its own container? The only reason I did it this way is because I have a book that has pictures, and there are two or three sprouts in each cup. Plus, I didn't know how many would sprout. Sorry if this is a noob question. Thanks!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well you learned a lesson.
Let them get stronger. Then take a large spoon and make a big circle around seedlings and scoop out around trying to get the root. Then I would go to the sink and gently wash away the dirt and separate the two seedlings and plant and say a little word or two over them.


Active Member
yea never plant more than one seed to a pot really hard not to damage the root system when gettin them untangled


Should I cut one stem from each cup, killing the plant so it doesn't grow any more? Then I can let the other one grow safely. That way at least I know I'll have half as many healthy plants instead of all dead plants.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Common practice for lettuce,tomato,etc growers because of readily available seeds and snip off the weekest sprouts.With precious MJ seeds a no no.I would take a bowl of ph'ed room temp water and put them in there and very gently wash off soil/peat and separate.


Okay Dalek, I'm gonna go check on them tomorrow, and try to separate them. I'll get some before and after pics.