When weed makes you sick...

The people I know with it get it with commercial California weed, or even their own organic back yard grows...
I've heard of it. One time I even googled it because I barfed after a couple morning smoke sessions, but that passed after a day or two. Suspect it was just a bug.

Only time I'm barfing after a hit these days is because I took a huge dab and can't stop coughing :spew:
The people who talk seriously about CHS also talk seriously about "gluten intolerance" and think their cankles are full of "candida."
It's very real, took the doctors forever to figure out what was wrong with my brother when he had a heart attack last year. It wasn't just a small problem either, he almost died! He was a daily weed smoker but gave it up after he got out of the hospital after a month. Obviously the doctors don't know everything about it yet but it is certainly nothing like gluten intolerance as he couldn't keep anything down whatsoever and they couldn't do his quadruple bypass until he could.
More clinical research is being done into these areas. AND this is why gardening naturally is important. IMO this has to do with, heavy amounts of synthetic nutes still present in flowers, health of the plant entire life & it being dried properly.
Are we talking about a whitey?
The colour drops out of you, you feel weak as water with a very nauseous feeling in your stomach?
But as much as you feel like shit there's a numbness/buzz that's really fucking enjoyable, if you could separate the sick weak feeling from the great heavy buzz it would be great!
I'd heard the term and seen the effects of a "whitey" but didn't encounter for 5/6 years after I started smoking.
Surely others can relate to what I'm saying, a whitey is up there with the munchies and the giggles?

Eta... At a party one night me and the household was outside having a joint, his sister comes out DRUNK "do you think your tough because you smoke that, I'm tough?
She then asks for a puff, 1 minute later she's white as ghost another minute later she was spewing and mumbling something about dying in between lol.
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Are we talking about a whitey?
The colour drops out of you, you feel weak as water with a very nauseous feeling in your stomach?
But as much as you feel like shit there's a numbness/buzz that's really fucking enjoyable, if you could separate the sick weak feeling from the great heavy buzz it would be great!
I'd heard the term and seen the effects of a "whitey" but didn't encounter for 5/6 years after I started smoking.
Surely others can relate to what I'm saying, a whitey is up there with the munchies and the giggles?
No. This is something entirely different. Wayyyy sicker.
Considering my brother only got his weed from me and I've never used neem products I'm going to say that's probably not the cause.
Don't forget to consider derivatives like Azamax or Azatrol.

My friend had it for awhile a few years ago when dabbing concentrates he made from his own crops and we figured out that it was Azamax. He stopped using it in bloom and the problem went away.
Don't forget to consider derivatives like Azamax or Azatrol.

My friend had it for awhile a few years ago when dabbing concentrates he made from his own crops and we figured out that it was Azamax. He stopped using it in bloom and the problem went away.
Wow ok good to know