When weed makes you sick...


one theory states that smoking cannabis stimulates an increase adrenaline production and your blood sugar crashes . in theory one could munch out on sweets before one smokes , rather than munching out after you smoke . in theory the reason people munch out is the brains natural response to an increase in insulin , thus the brain makes us hungry in order to slow the heart beats down . look up symptoms of low blood sugar crash . if the blood sugar gets too low a person can go into heart failure or die . a hot shower will help people recover from a state of shock trauma . i am the type of person the gets contact high , which means all i have to do is be around other people smoking , and my heart races fast . in the future i will munch out ahead of time , measure my blood sugar to make sure it is nice and high , and then smoke , ( making sure i have a hot shower near bye). i use to get drunk before i smoked and i can't drink anymore for medical reasons . if i smoke in the future , i will try raising my blood sugar munching out before i smoke , just to see if my theory works ( for scientific reasons only : )

perhaps smoking neem oil treated plants could cause the syndrome . since i am interested in what this syndrome is and how it works biologically , i place a video below and i am going to watch it now after i post this reply .

warning . the doctors is an er doctor , and uses capsaican cream ( which probably works . he also uses haldol if the hot cream doesn't work . he forgot to mention that one can get a serious allergic reaction to haldol which requires oral or injection of benedril to recover from a severe reaction to haldol. i know from my own personal traumatic experience . i think taking a hot shower would work . i do not understand why the patient in this video had a normal heart rate , as being in a state of shock causes a panic attack and rapid heart racing . however the pain in the abdomen seems to go along with my personal experience .

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