When will my plant be ready to bud?


Well-Known Member
but its got miricle grow soil and i was told that had plenty of nutrients
Ive read on here alot of people getting nute burns adding liquid fertilizers to MG soil, so it seems to have alot of nutes already, MG soil is not recommended by most people on here, next grow you should try different soil.

Also how old is the plant?
I heard nutrients in the soil can last upto 2-3months i think so you wouldnt have to add anything for 3months, but dont take my advice, im not experienced myself im just merely going off what i have read and learned here,

EDIT: but i dont see no harm getting it some bloom nutrients and giving it half the recommended dose and see how your plant reacts to it, just incase your soil is out of nutes, cheers
the plant is about 3 months old. but i moved it to a bigger pot about a month ago. and added brand new soil. but yeah. im suppose to start the bloom nutrients when it starts bloomin right?

and yeah. im not using mg anymore. it does not work as good soil. i guess it could if you had everything set up right and you knew what you were doing, but for n00bs i dont recomend it. there is this fox stuff that i wanna try next.


Well-Known Member
FYI I used to be a diehard MG soil guy but there is a huge lice infestation in MG soil lately and nothing kills em so keep your eyes peeled.


Well-Known Member
i also heard MG soil has time release fertilizers, so pretty much every-time you water it releases nutes into the soil
hmm. i also am not sure how much im suppose to water it. its in a 13.9 inch pot and its about 21 inches tall. any idea how much i should water it? last time i water it way too much and it died from that so this time im bein kinda timid about waterin it.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry man i forgot about ya!
you should only water when the soil is dried out and when you do water it you want to make sure you water it thoroughly, so you water until you see a little run off from the bottom drainage holes not too much though just a tiny bit, im having to water mine every 4-5 days


Well-Known Member
ok so you used miracle grow. if its healthy, and you do it RIGHT, technically you could take out 50-60% of the soil and replace with perlite.

i did it, it works, and CAN be done in the first week of flowering.

also, you say you want 2-3 or whatever oz's. well, to make that much bud, you would eat alot more nutrients than whats in any MG soil.

it may say on the bag "supplies nutrients for 3 months" but, it doesn't say "supplies nutrients for dank fucking chronic"