When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?

You have so perverted my original assertions...maybe you need to get the bat guano and worm castings off your hands and out of your hair...

If 30 years in agriculture tell you you're right, then how the hell can I or anyone else argue with you? Thank you for tolerating peons like me.

I believe i adequately understood your assertions, and did not distort them. They were pre-distorted, i simply refuted your assumptions.

assumption 1 crop subsidies were tax breaks. That was not true then or now

assumption 2 crop subsidies to grow corn = tax deductions for people with children. This is false comparison, the tax deduction for kids is not an inducement to have more kids, and children will never be a profit vehicle through the dependent child deduction.

assumption 3 higher welfare payments per child = inducement to make more kids. people on welfare, tend to be the least educated, least skilled, and least likely to have good long term planning. An extra $50 -$100 a month on the welfare check or foodstamp roll is not going to make even the stupidest welfare recipient dart off to get knocked up. kids always cost more than the extra welfare payment, and the more kids somebody has, the LESS welfare money they have to spread around

assumption 4 overpopulation Overpopulation, and "The Population Bomb",the shitty book that started this nonsense are pure garbage

assumption 5 Higher taxes for child producers would halt child production. In this, you have some truth, but not much. A massive tax on each child in a family would cause educated, skilled and intelligent people to dramatically reduce their reproduction rates. Stupid people however... So, greatly reduced reproduction among the intelligent, and unchanged reproduction among the stupid = next stop, Idiocracy.

Stupid people have kids because they are dumb, unable to think ahead, have poor critical thinking skills, cant be bothered to keep a few rubbers on hand, are careless, and are generally bad at math. This is not effected by tax deductions, welfare payment policies, or possible future tax liabilities. They are stupid. They dont think ahead. Thats how they get kids now. Thats how they will get kids in the future.

Ad Hominem attacks against those who are experienced in agriculture, and can correct your misconceptions about crop subsidies and their many shortcomings serves no purpose.

Also, i do tolerate peons, i find them useful. most f my lackeys and minions are peons. I rarely beat them with anything heavier than a gilded candlestick, or mu gold plated bedpan, so you're welcome.
I believe i adequately understood your assertions, and did not distort them. They were pre-distorted, i simply refuted your assumptions.

assumption 1 crop subsidies were tax breaks. That was not true then or now

assumption 2 crop subsidies to grow corn = tax deductions for people with children. This is false comparison, the tax deduction for kids is not an inducement to have more kids, and children will never be a profit vehicle through the dependent child deduction.

assumption 3 higher welfare payments per child = inducement to make more kids. people on welfare, tend to be the least educated, least skilled, and least likely to have good long term planning. An extra $50 -$100 a month on the welfare check or foodstamp roll is not going to make even the stupidest welfare recipient dart off to get knocked up. kids always cost more than the extra welfare payment, and the more kids somebody has, the LESS welfare money they have to spread around

assumption 4 overpopulation Overpopulation, and "The Population Bomb",the shitty book that started this nonsense are pure garbage

assumption 5 Higher taxes for child producers would halt child production. In this, you have some truth, but not much. A massive tax on each child in a family would cause educated, skilled and intelligent people to dramatically reduce their reproduction rates. Stupid people however... So, greatly reduced reproduction among the intelligent, and unchanged reproduction among the stupid = next stop, Idiocracy.

Stupid people have kids because they are dumb, unable to think ahead, have poor critical thinking skills, cant be bothered to keep a few rubbers on hand, are careless, and are generally bad at math. This is not effected by tax deductions, welfare payment policies, or possible future tax liabilities. They are stupid. They dont think ahead. Thats how they get kids now. Thats how they will get kids in the future.

Ad Hominem attacks against those who are experienced in agriculture, and can correct your misconceptions about crop subsidies and their many shortcomings serves no purpose.

Also, i do tolerate peons, i find them useful. most f my lackeys and minions are peons. I rarely beat them with anything heavier than a gilded candlestick, or mu gold plated bedpan, so you're welcome.

OK, sir, I apologize for my knee-jerk reaction to your post. Unlike most people on this forum, I have no agenda, and thus can admit when I've responded with malice, sometimes as the result of having too much smoke and wine. Which I did with you. Again, I apologize. As a father with a son who is an aspiring professional in Wildlife Sciences (somewhat related to your profession), I can respect your professional perspective.

But I can't understand how paying people to grow corn (which was done beginning in the 1940's) does not equate to a tax break. OK, don't call it a tax break. Call it a "financial disbursement for the purpose of growing corn". In any event, my point is that a professional auditing accountant would have to determine, based solely upon tax laws and information gleaned from review of the financial books, that people were being paid to grow corn, and that the result was that MORE CORN WAS BEING GROWN.

And this seems to me (and to other economic professionals who've written professional papers that I've read) to be a rather strong indication that anytime the government gives financial incentive (via tax breaks, or direct payment) for people to do certian things (in this case, to grow corn), is that MORE of that thing occurs.

It was confirmed in the 1940's that more corn resulted from such government subsidies. And I submit that it wasn't a result that was contained to the agricultural industry (as other economic experts purport). I submit that it's a general principle that can be applied to other scientific fields, including the human response to tax breaks given for having children.
OK, sir, I apologize for my knee-jerk reaction to your post. Unlike most people on this forum, I have no agenda, and thus can admit when I've responded with malice, sometimes as the result of having too much smoke and wine. Which I did with you. Again, I apologize. As a father with a son who is an aspiring professional in Wildlife Sciences (somewhat related to your profession), I can respect your professional perspective.

But I can't understand how paying people to grow corn (which was done beginning in the 1940's) does not equate to a tax break. OK, don't call it a tax break. Call it a "financial disbursement for the purpose of growing corn". In any event, my point is that a professional auditing accountant would have to determine, based solely upon tax laws and information gleaned from review of the financial books, that people were being paid to grow corn, and that the result was that MORE CORN WAS BEING GROWN.

And this seems to me (and to other economic professionals who've written professional papers that I've read) to be a rather strong indication that anytime the government gives financial incentive (via tax breaks, or direct payment) for people to do certian things (in this case, to grow corn), is that MORE of that thing occurs.

It was confirmed in the 1940's that more corn resulted from such government subsidies. And I submit that it wasn't a result that was contained to the agricultural industry (as other economic experts purport). I submit that it's a general principle that can be applied to other scientific fields, including the human response to tax breaks given for having children.

I appreciate the kind words, and the apology, but it was really not necessary as my jimmies aint rustled.

Youre right, paying somebody to do shit, results in somebody doin shit, in most areas of life. not all of em though. How much would i have to pay you to cut off your own arm with a pocket knife? What kind of tax break might convince you to become a Mandatory Euthanasia Technician at a preschool? Sometimes money isnt a powerful enough incentive to influence behavior.

I grok your concerns, dig your passion for the subject, and largely agree with your assertions in the "big picture" way, but as a matter of individual "family planning" cost benefit analysis, the Dependent Child tax deduction is completely irrelevant to anyone's process regarding future reproduction. The people who plan to have kids would do so, and always have done so (see China's one child policy failure) regardless of any laws. Adoption for example is a prohibitively expensive process for most families, yet they still do it. and they dont do it for the Dependent Child tax deduction. If you got a kid, the deduction is super important, as those yard monsters are super expensive to maintain. If your considering making or adopting a kid, the deduction never even registers on the balance sheet.

As to welfare, you may be correct in a macro-economic sense, as the surety of the "social safety net" that liberals love so much does reduce the counter-incentive to avoid reproduction, but those on welfare (legitimately) usually would prefer to have LESS kids, and are resistant to the idea of having more. Those who are on welfare (again, legitimately) because they have really bad judgement, poor planning and shitty math skills are completely unaffected by the possibility of additional welfare payments, kids just sorta happen to them, and they cant figure out how to stop it. The place where you are Absolutely 100% Correct is the "Welfare Queen" or "Foodstamp Millionaire" demographic. Assholes who register in multiple jurisdictions for every assistance program in sight that they can use to their advantage and they can turn into at a profit. Some welfare cheats have been caught registering in 4 counties in California. an extra $100 - $200 a month for an extra kid is far less than they cost to maintain, but an extra $400 - $800 a month makes that lil shit factory into a nice stable profit center for their welfare fraud empires. thats where the cross checking, verification and program auditing should focus, rather than painting welfare as a social evil, or a wasteful expenditure.

Even those who think they would never ever ever EEEEVER wind up on welfare can sleep just a little better knowing they wont starve or huddle under an overpass if the economy takes another turn down Obama Road into New Great Depressionville.

Speaking as somebody who has in the past gone from working class and employed to homeless, jobless, penniless and alone in a strange city far from home in the span of one day, the welfare system can make the difference between getting back on your feet, or resorting to knocking over liquor stores to get home.

In brief, when it's needed, the assitance programs are there to help, but they are too easy to abuse.
The government will likely only stop it's recklessness, when it has wrecked itself.

In other words, a financial collapse will have to occur. I wouldn't mind if it happens honestly, because my future (I'm young) will probably be better off financially, and that's barely debatable at this point.

MIT made a calculated prediction, that if the US continues with its current financial irresponsibility, the US will financially collapse by 2030. I'm thinking they were a little conservative on that calculation, but that's just my opinion.

The sad reality is that all this subsidization will come to and end at some point, because you can not finance stupid shit forever. Yes, paying people because they have a kid (accident or not), is very stupid shit. At the end of the day, such subsidies do nothing more than finance irresponsibility. You can hardly justify the finance of irresponsibility, when it comes off the backs of those who are responsible.
I appreciate the kind words, and the apology, but it was really not necessary as my jimmies aint rustled.

Youre right, paying somebody to do shit, results in somebody doin shit, in most areas of life. not all of em though. How much would i have to pay you to cut off your own arm with a pocket knife? What kind of tax break might convince you to become a Mandatory Euthanasia Technician at a preschool? Sometimes money isnt a powerful enough incentive to influence behavior.

I grok your concerns, dig your passion for the subject, and largely agree with your assertions in the "big picture" way, but as a matter of individual "family planning" cost benefit analysis, the Dependent Child tax deduction is completely irrelevant to anyone's process regarding future reproduction. The people who plan to have kids would do so, and always have done so (see China's one child policy failure) regardless of any laws. Adoption for example is a prohibitively expensive process for most families, yet they still do it. and they dont do it for the Dependent Child tax deduction. If you got a kid, the deduction is super important, as those yard monsters are super expensive to maintain. If your considering making or adopting a kid, the deduction never even registers on the balance sheet.

As to welfare, you may be correct in a macro-economic sense, as the surety of the "social safety net" that liberals love so much does reduce the counter-incentive to avoid reproduction, but those on welfare (legitimately) usually would prefer to have LESS kids, and are resistant to the idea of having more. Those who are on welfare (again, legitimately) because they have really bad judgement, poor planning and shitty math skills are completely unaffected by the possibility of additional welfare payments, kids just sorta happen to them, and they cant figure out how to stop it. The place where you are Absolutely 100% Correct is the "Welfare Queen" or "Foodstamp Millionaire" demographic. Assholes who register in multiple jurisdictions for every assistance program in sight that they can use to their advantage and they can turn into at a profit. Some welfare cheats have been caught registering in 4 counties in California. an extra $100 - $200 a month for an extra kid is far less than they cost to maintain, but an extra $400 - $800 a month makes that lil shit factory into a nice stable profit center for their welfare fraud empires. thats where the cross checking, verification and program auditing should focus, rather than painting welfare as a social evil, or a wasteful expenditure.

Even those who think they would never ever ever EEEEVER wind up on welfare can sleep just a little better knowing they wont starve or huddle under an overpass if the economy takes another turn down Obama Road into New Great Depressionville.

Speaking as somebody who has in the past gone from working class and employed to homeless, jobless, penniless and alone in a strange city far from home in the span of one day, the welfare system can make the difference between getting back on your feet, or resorting to knocking over liquor stores to get home.

In brief, when it's needed, the assitance programs are there to help, but they are too easy to abuse.

You wouldn't beleive the number of people who live in Chicago, but drive to Minnesota to pick up welfare checks. They drive up by the car load.