When you were younger..


Well-Known Member
When you were younger, how did you use to get your bud money?

I was never really wealthy and never really had a job until 17 and my dad would always keep an eye out on my money so I could never take money out without him saying "What'd you spend this on"

Anyways, I remember I use to go up to people and say "Would you happen to have $1.75 for a bus ride by any chance" and most of the time people would just give $2.

Now with a job, I realize how much of a dick move it was :P. Wish I would have gotten a job earlier :roll:

Anyways, anyone else have any weird or funny stories how you use to get some cash?


Active Member
My parents would give me $20 a week for buying lunch at school. Well I didn't go to school much so I would go to "the weed spot" and get the 5 for 20 deal of that dirty dirt; this was when quantity meant more than quality to me lol. Then when I started preferring the good shit I started my own little lawn mowing service in my neighborhood, and 1 of my customers happened to be a dealer and would give me a half ounce of some mids every other week for takin care of his yard :weed:


Well-Known Member
My parents would give me $20 a week for buying lunch at school. Well I didn't go to school much so I would go to "the weed spot" and get the 5 for 20 deal of that dirty dirt; this was when quantity meant more than quality to me lol. Then when I started preferring the good shit I started my own little lawn mowing service in my neighborhood, and 1 of my customers happened to be a dealer and would give me a half ounce of some mids every other week for takin care of his yard :weed:
man, I wish my dad had given me some money for lunch.

I go as it is some days without lunch :P.


Well-Known Member
I used to take my lunch money and buy a pack of smokes and pitch in on a dube, then i just bug all of my friends for their pizza crusts!!!


Well-Known Member
my parents gave me allowance, with that allowance 40 bux a week I had to buy everything I wanted. I wanted a pair of shoes, no lunch for 2 weeks, I wanted to party, no lunch,

I wnt ahead and got me a cell phone which cost me even more of my allowance, we'd just pitch in a jar till we had 300 bux for an ounce of dank. buy it once a month between 4 people.

still, it wasn't a bad system, i had to learn QUICK how to manage money, and I played sports in a rec AND school league which cost me to get my equipment, and the gas for driving to games.....that plus the cell phone meant I really only had about 4-5 bux to spend a week... most of it went to smoking.... when I reached the tenth grade i'd wash cars during the weekends and summer during the weeks (in summer I'd only get 20 bux a week), i'd make ten bux a car, sometmes I had days where I washed 20 cars....

but I got sunburned bad, it was hard work, it gets 100 degrees here in summer....

the good ol' days..............


Well-Known Member
I started a business selling things that are "illegal". It was quite profitable. Now I just work for my money. (Not that slanging aint working haha)


Active Member
when i was in high school i told my rents i need 25 a week 4 lunch, and thy gave me 40 on the weekends. n i never ate lunch, or id brng shit w/ me 2 eat.

so that was $60, and i saved everything i got between then, and i made up alota bullshit i needed money 4 have made resets 4 everything is thy wanted 2 c it.

so i had money and weed 24/7


Well-Known Member
ohh my god...
the day my friend and i made that call..

"hey joe.. we can't ever find any reefer.. you can front us a qp and see how we do..?"

he did and the rest was history..
there were so many times where he would bitch to us about how his crackhead niggers couldn't even hustle shit as quick as we could.
and that was as a freshman..
oh how i miss high school..
it was so easy..
i smoked and sold reefer alllll day and still graduated with honors and 6 AP credits..

yayyyyyyyy schoooool


Well-Known Member
we had several great scams.... none of which i will repeat here for self incrimination purposes.
heres some of the ones that worked out from time to time tho:
price jacking:
i had friends in the hood, and would get some shwag shit, dime bags, get like 20 of em for 150.. then sell em for 10. this has several variations
can deposits:
you would be amazed how much cash people throw away. this only works if your state has the deposit tho. a truckload of aluminum scrap might pay for the gas money @ scrap price.
provide a secure place to toke, and charge for it:
we used to have daily sessions... 5 bux a head, or you had to bring something to smoke. this also keeps the beggars out.
this one needs no explanations...


Well-Known Member
Umm, I believe price jacking is what most refer to as selling weed..... My most profitable time was when my area went really dry, but I knew connects out of area, I would just get a shitload of money fronted to me to go pick up around an lb. . I would be getting the zips for the 300 turning around selling em for 350-400, do the math, every trip would be around 800-1600 dollars profit, just to have people bring you money then drive somewhere get something and have them come pick it up. If I had been selling weed at that time, not pure middlemanning it, jesus christ would I have been "hood rich" haha.


When I was 17 I started to work with my dad for a tree removal service. I did all the hard work (ie: climbing and most of the brush removal) while my dad handled all the paperwork, set up the jobs, and supervised. He basically split the profits with me as long as I helped pay equipment costs. Needless to say I was making Lots and Lots of money for my age and got into the habit of spending entire paychecks on large amounts of exotic. I eventually realized it was better on my end to buy the large amounts, then sell most of it and smoke the profit. So I saved up enough money to buy 2-3 oz at a time and I quit working for a while and just smoked my profit and then reupped everytime I ran out of smoke.

I eventually got robbed by one of my good friends I'd known since I was 8, who knew I always had large amounts of good bud. He had just gotten out of jail around my 18th birthday and decided to pay me a visit. Little fucker. I haven't been in the game as heavy as I was then since. It was a good experience though, helped make me into who I am today and helped steer me away from coke and all that other stuff alot worse than weed.


Well-Known Member
I was growing flowers in the summer at the local Nursery in Junior High, five dollars an hour cash, I was ballin about 180 a week. And I still love growing flowers =]


Well-Known Member
my parents always ask me once a weekish if i need money and i just say yes they spot me 80$, i go buy an eighth which last me about two weeks cause i only smoke on the weekends. but an eight cost me 60$ so i just save the 20 and buy other shit, i try not to spend money on pointless shit


Well-Known Member
I used to take my lunch money and buy a pack of smokes and pitch in on a dube, then i just bug all of my friends for their pizza crusts!!!

LMAO! That's some dedication there!

Oh and I'd just ask my mom for money and bada boom bada bing I had some green!