where can I find sand for fungus gnats, PLZ help

newbie grow420

Active Member
Its dead of winter of course wal mart don't have shit. I have looked around home depot and nothing. I was wondering where to find sand I was looking in garden section is there some other place I should be looking? I can't get neem oil but want to try the dry soil and then sand.
These little bastards are every where sticking to the bud and the girls have been thirsty as hell lately so I have been feeding and watering often. Please help need to stop this before I get more flys in my bud than crystals.


Active Member
Whether it is winter or not people still need sand for making concrete as previous poster said... Or alternatively stop overwatering your plants.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
It is sold in the masoonry isle, not with cement but where they have patio stones and rocks for the garden. It is used to build foundation for patios and sotne fences and shit. But I got a better solution. Mosquito dunks. Lowes where they sell bug spray and rodent killers. ORganic. Cheap, perfect and work every time. They are a man made bacteria, aerobic, that attacks the larvae of fungus gnats and kills them. It is sage enuf for horse water troughs! It is cheap, like five bucks, for a lifetime supply. Just break up the disk intoyour water and give a sol drench or a reservoir dunk. Then water it into your media. But that will kill only the larvea. That is the most improtant part tho. TO kill the ones topside use Pyrethrin. The only spray I found that worked. Kills like a charm. I used everything from sand to sprays and this combo is the only thing that worked. GL. Sand will work for a few days, but then right back. It gets very annoying. Sand is a pain in the ass I dont know why everybody recomdneds it.

newbie grow420

Active Member
It is sold in the masoonry isle, not with cement but where they have patio stones and rocks for the garden. It is used to build foundation for patios and sotne fences and shit. But I got a better solution. Mosquito dunks. Lowes where they sell bug spray and rodent killers. ORganic. Cheap, perfect and work every time. They are a man made bacteria, aerobic, that attacks the larvae of fungus gnats and kills them. It is sage enuf for horse water troughs! It is cheap, like five bucks, for a lifetime supply. Just break up the disk intoyour water and give a sol drench or a reservoir dunk. Then water it into your media. But that will kill only the larvea. That is the most improtant part tho. TO kill the ones topside use Pyrethrin. The only spray I found that worked. Kills like a charm. I used everything from sand to sprays and this combo is the only thing that worked. GL. Sand will work for a few days, but then right back. It gets very annoying. Sand is a pain in the ass I dont know why everybody recomdneds it.
Thanks for the info I have heard of the dunks but with the season didn't know where to find it. I will look and the adults I might try sand with fly strips cause I don't know if I want to smoke pyrethrin hell I don't even know what it is.