Where have all the good ones gone?


Well-Known Member
So I've been floating in and out of the RIU forums for months now and haven't seen any of the good conservative debaters around. What happened? Did the libs just finally give up on here?

And where the hell are all the people that know how to spell correctly and use at least some correct punctuation? Does everyone just post from their cell phones now?


New Member
what's a liberal..and what's a convervative?

grow up and get past labels...discuss issues. then i'll take you seriously...

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I think the main problem is that in reality, there are too many people here that spend way too much time alone at their computer with only their own voice in their heads telling themselves how awesome they are, thus making any sort of intelligent debate a futile endeavor with an ego-maniac that just likes to put people down and rationalize horrible view points with logic so twisted it would take the jaws of life to pry them back open to life and sanity. As far as the grammer and punctuation goes, I pretty much never use a spell or grammer check because I don't really care if people are going to use these as items of discussion, it seems pointless and quite petty to make it focus. Basically, if thats an issue for you, I think you probably have bigger issues to deal with.


Well-Known Member
just how much can one say before the repetition becomes deafening? most anyone who indulges in online debate is already so set in their beliefs that argument is futile and every discussion becomes a series of meaningless one line rebuttals. in the years i have spent visiting various forums i have only seen a handful of instances where someone was honest enough to concede a valid point contrary to their own opinion. what is the point on going up against mindless nay-saying?


Well-Known Member
just how much can one say before the repetition becomes deafening? most anyone who indulges in online debate is already so set in their beliefs that argument is futile and every discussion becomes a series of meaningless one line rebuttals. in the years i have spent visiting various forums i have only seen a handful of instances where someone was honest enough to concede a valid point contrary to their own opinion. what is the point on going up against mindless nay-saying?
People change their minds all the time, but few admit it.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Ya'll are pissy today.
Just thought I'd chime in here. Y'all is a contraction for "You all" The apostrophe goes between the Y and the all. In 5 words, you have proven that you are no beacon of correct punctuation. Just sayin'...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd chime in here. Y'all is a contraction for "You all" The apostrophe goes between the Y and the all. In 5 words, you have proven that you are no beacon of correct punctuation. Just sayin'...
I thought you all was a moving truck rental company?


Well-Known Member
a better question is....
