Where to buy seeds with cash ?


Well-Known Member
i don't know what the best would be, but i have done some cash orders a few years back
seed boutique and highgrade-seeds both came through on 2 cash orders apiece
the danger with cash is your cash may get picked in the delivery process before it makes it to the seed bank address
so an envelope that feels like it has cash in it isn't a good idea


Well-Known Member
I mailed cash to Highgrade seeds, received my order no problems at all.
It was a small order, but made it nevertheless.


Active Member
Most all seedbanks will take cash. The ones I trust most with
it are Highgrade, Hemp Depot, Canna Collective, and Peak.


Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I did cash a couple times with Highgrade and once with Single seed center with no problems.Follow directions of your chosen bank and hide the fact there is cash in there with a couple folded sheets of paper hiding the cash.International money orders are avaible at Money Gram or US post offices.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of seedbanks will accept cash. Just use a DVD case to disguise the package. Maybe send it registered mail, you might have to ask the seedbank about that though.


Active Member
I just put them in an envelope with a shit of paper around it but I'm in europe and dunno if its safe if send overseas oh and tracking might help...
Freebies for cash? I always did. If not I would email them cause a purchase is a purchase... IMO

I would send cash to most sites, smaller at first to test. The only place I would avoid like the plague is THCBay @ THCfarmer... aka the dude ranch....
Sure, IF you send it 'right' no problem but otherwise, "You deserve to get your money stolen, you are too dumb to use THCBay!"
Logic is a weasel thief hiding behind "The post office got it"...


Active Member
I never send cash.Sending cash will fill your head,with many question marks,rightly so.A International money order should leave you peace of mind,and they are backed by a guarantee, still worried ,well chill out on the way to the store to purchase a pre-paid debit card.to avoid the added time for your payment to get to the destination,send payment using card at Pay Pal....me ,I use my debit card at P


Well-Known Member
I've only sent cash to the mr. nice auction both times no problem I wrap the cash in 2 pieces of paper stick it in a security envolope and put a stamp on it and thats coming from the U.S.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't send cash. Take a couple minutes and get a money order at least. I have mailed a money order to Hempdepot years ago and got my seeds, but anymore I would rather just use a debit card or a prepaid and get them to me faster.


Don't you have to register most if not all pre-paid CC's now? I looked into that. Most places will take money orders though I wouldn't send cash although I know it works.