Where will the next major virus hotspot in the United States be?

Which city will be the next New York?

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Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Indubitably he did, bah ha ha ha ha ha haa.

Anyways man, my stance was based on the Bible, before I spoke about conspiracy and the deep state and all that. Trump has stood for a Christian prayer himself before, there's plenty of footage of him portraying himself to be a believer in God himself,
You actually believing that Trump is a "true christian" just proves how fucking stupid you are. What a dope.


Well-Known Member
Back to the thread topic:

Where ya from?

Do you feel that Government has the right to unlawfully make new laws and imprison people before they are given fair warning?

Nobody who believed that 9/11 was an inside job was arrested for simply believing that it was. All I'm saying is that this threat made towards people who believe certain ways about the virus is discriminatory to average human being who've done nothing wrong except use their own brain, The brain that God gifted to them.

Ok back to the topic, sorry, I am not trying to misdirect your thread abandon, just speaking out against the misuse of our protected rights as human beings.

I'm not ok with causing torment to others in the middle off crisis, that's a detriment to us all as human beings, that goes against the rights that people have died to protect here in America, and a simple virus shouldn't cause our rights such as theses to be ripped away from us. That's all, I'm saying and I will not comment again unless it aligns with the title of your thread, I thank you for your patience you've shown to me, @abandonconflict , thank you for being peaceful, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
You actually believing that Trump is a "true christian" just proves how fucking stupid you are. What a dope.
Why would I believe someone whose an adrenochrome addict is somehow Christian?

I'm simply showing others that he isn't Christian, especially if he continues on his present trajectory.

Calm down Johnny, you don't know the full detail of that which you attempting to insult another over, patience my friend.


Well-Known Member
Why would I believe someone whose an adrenochrome addict is somehow Christian?

I'm simply showing others that he isn't Christian, especially if he continues on his present trajectory.

Calm down Johnny, you don't know the full detail of that which you attempting to insult another over, patience my friend.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Yeah Djhives used to talk about Aleck Jones quite a bit, Did you watch any of those low quality videos I posted? they were purposefully made that way, the info they contained has predicted the future several times.

What's your opinion on the fact that people were discussing a pandemic outbreak like the one we are seeing now, in great detail more than 11 years ago?

Novel: an imaginary storyline and/or events and characters (sequence of events) doesn't ring any bells? Why use that word over an over for these viruses, they keep saying oh look a new one, it's novel, wait here's another one it's novel as well let's name it that? I can post the old literature, I searched last night and found several repeated accounts of "Novel" being used, why adhere to a single definition when there are two separate meanings that allocate to the use of the word? One definition used 10 times why?


Uncountable Noun.

"Novelty is the quality of being different, new, and unusual."

What's so new, different, and unusual about covid? We've had bat borne corona viruses before, it's not different enough from other already known corona viruses to call it unusual, what's really behind covid? Why does everything point towards HOAX?
trib boy reporting for common fucking idiot duty
Why would I believe someone whose an adrenochrome addict is somehow Christian?

I'm simply showing others that he isn't Christian, especially if he continues on his present trajectory.

Calm down Johnny, you don't know the full detail of that which you attempting to insult another over, patience my friend.
rodent brained, Imbecile slob, master the english language before rebuking others.


Well-Known Member
trib boy reporting for common fucking idiot duty
View attachment 4536293
rodent brained, Imbecile slob, master the english language before rebuking others.
Close enough, I figure, no harm done, but let's not ruin abandons thread over a few small differences that we are inherently bound to have from time to time, please add your own input according to the thread title?I'm forfeiting any further argument here, take care everyone, and of those around you, cheer & Love. Thank You.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Indubitably he did, bah ha ha ha ha ha haa.

Anyways man, my stance was based on the Bible, before I spoke about conspiracy and the deep state and all that. Trump has stood for a Christian prayer himself before, there's plenty of footage of him portraying himself to be a believer in God himself, I certainly hope he wouldn't send a fellow Christian to a boot camp just because they believe in the word of God,( I'm not going against their orders, I'm simply believing what God says about it is truth) that would be hypocritical and inhumane as well as an action of religious inequality. Treatimg people as if their terrorists just because the trust that God's word is truth, that goes against fairness and our constitution, and it is absolutely disgusting behavior towards our fellow human beings who have the right to believe in the Bible and God's existence above.

I myself believe people should be allowed to believe what ever they choose to, and use their bodies for whatever they wish, however I advocate to the belief that we don't own our flesh and that we have to answer for the wrongs things that we do while we're alive here on Earth, especially those things that we are consciously aware that they are wrong to do, but I can promise everyone when you attack person who is a follwer of the most high Creator in the heaven, and you cause them unjust prosecution and cause a hindrance to their life and ability to practice their faith, you absolutely will not be spared from God's anger, and intense judgement, it's not wise to add more to your plate when God has promised that anyone who goes against his people will get paid in the full amount of their wrongdoing, nobody is going to escape God's wrath who is causing one (or any) of Gods people harm or persecution, I promise Trump and everyone else that this is 1000% true, if your sowing cruel intentions before God's people then you will more than reap what is owed to you.

In the same way if you use your body in a way that goes against the way God designed it to exist/behave as, then you've chosen to go against God's design that he built into the body that you temporarily exist within, and you will find deciding that you know what is best for your life over what God has put in place for you to exist as and embrace, then you have also turned down your chances of being granted life eternal, and you have failed to offer rightful authority owed to the one who has created you. Repent, or you will receive fierce judgement, God isn't a being to of mercy when you willfully go against what you know is proper and righteous, speaking to the Trump family specifically. (And UB ^^^)


Well-Known Member
Indubitably he did, bah ha ha ha ha ha haa.

Anyways man, my stance was based on the Bible, before I spoke about conspiracy and the deep state and all that. Trump has stood for a Christian prayer himself before, there's plenty of footage of him portraying himself to be a believer in God himself, I certainly hope he wouldn't send a fellow Christian to a boot camp just because they believe in the word of God,( I'm not going against their orders, I'm simply believing what God says about it is truth) that would be hypocritical and inhumane as well as an action of religious inequality. Treating people as if their terrorists just because they trust that God's word is truth, that goes against fairness and our constitution, and it is absolutely disgusting behavior towards our fellow human beings who have the right to believe in the Bible and God's existence above.

I myself believe people should be allowed to believe what ever they choose to, and use their bodies for whatever they wish, however I do advocate to the belief that we don't own our flesh and that we have to answer for the wrongs things that we do while we're alive here on Earth, especially those things that we are consciously aware that they are wrong to do, but I can promise everyone when you attack person who is a follwer of the most high Creator in the heaven, and you cause them unjust prosecution and cause a hindrance to their life and ability to practice their faith, you absolutely will not be spared from God's anger, and intense judgement, it's not wise to add more to your plate when God has promised that anyone who goes against his people will get paid in the full amount of their wrongdoing, nobody is going to escape God's wrath who is causing one (or any) of Gods people harm or persecution, I promise Trump and everyone else that this is 1000% true, if your sowing cruel intentions before God's people then you will more than reap what is owed to you.

In the same way if you use your body in a way that goes against the way God designed it to exist/behave as, then you've chosen to go against God's design that he built into the body that you temporarily exist within, and you will find deciding that you know what is best for your life over what God has put in place for you to exist as and embrace, then you have also turned down your chances of being granted life eternal, and you have failed to offer rightful authority owed to the one who has created you. Repent, or you will receive fierce judgement, God isn't a being to of mercy when you willfully go against what you know is proper and righteous, speaking to the Trump family specifically. (And UB ^^^)
It's a historical fact that the bible was written by men.


Well-Known Member
The bible has some very good history that was passed down verbally for generations. Scribes etc. passed it on as well after writing came along. The bible "flood" was a true happening. It was written as well in other religions and non religious writings around Europe. But the flood was a lake bridge that breached and flooded lots of europe around 8000 years ago. One of many "floods" that happened over the ages. The Earth is changing. Let's move out of the stone age.


Well-Known Member
The bible has some very good history that was passed down verbally for generations. Scribes etc. passed it on as well after writing came along. The bible "flood" was a true happening. It was written as well in other religions and non religious writings around Europe. But the flood was a lake bridge that breached and flooded lots of europe around 8000 years ago. One of many "floods" that happened over the ages. The Earth is changing. Let's move out of the stone age.
Last ice age lasted from 2.6 million years ago to 11,800 years ago. It would have been pretty crazy time for modern humanities development over the last 500k or so years.