where would you hide a bowl if you were a parent?


Well-Known Member
okay... so my parents found my bowl along with seven lighters and they confiscated all of it.
my plan is to get one of the friends they dont like over adn have htem steal it(my parents would know it was them but they dont really talk to their parents or anything so its all kewl). the thing is tho, i dont knwo where it is so if you were a parent where would you put your kids bowl?

ive searched everywhere, the only place i can think of now is the trash. and i have gone dumpster diving before so this wont be too bad. adn if it is in the trash then they wont notice its gone.

but yeah.. tell me where you might hide a bowl.

btw if i cant find it its all kewl i was gonna get a hookah anyways, and i can buy a new bowl for my friend anytime.

also, if any of you guys know anything about growing shroomz it would be a big help if i could ask you some questions.


dude thats FUCKED UP!!!!! man, probably in the trunk of your car, in their purse, possibly in their drawers where they need a key

hookahs are cool, but some are crap. i love my hookah =]

you just buy a shroom kit (buy a high times magazine they are always in there) have a friend over 18 order it to their house, paythem back do what it says, and put them in a shoe box or something under the bed and watch them grow. they don't need anything, its pretty easy


Well-Known Member
you are comparing your situation to his, you have no idea what kind of bad people his parents could be. not to invalidate your point, I do not condone stealing in any form and I think my young friend here could find a better life if he had more respect for himself and for others, not everyone is your parent my young friend.


Active Member
lol my parents could open a head shop with all the the shit they confiscated when i was living with them ..........they have taken like 5 bongs, 3 bubblers, a vape, countless gong bowls and downstems, some really nice pipes, a bunch of packs of rolling papers/ blunts, grinders, scale, my mmj script, etc. and probably 2 oz. Im pretty sure they just trashed it all but one time i did find one of my bubblers in their bathroom, and they do have quite a collection of empty bong bags.


Well-Known Member
u can grow shrooms on dirt just like weed if need be but u gotta look it all up and everything
the bowl is probably gone
ur parents expect u to try to steal it back
oh and if u are growing shrooms u know that everything (including the room u grow in) have to be completely sterile


New Member
Why would anything have to be sterile to grow shrooms? When they grow in nature they grow on cowshit. Now correct me if I'm wrong but cowshit is anything but sterile.


Well-Known Member
yes but if everything is not sterile
then the shrooms will grow mold on them
and if mold grows on them
thats when people die


New Member
I'm not a shroom person, never tried them infact, I was just trying to understand this sterile/cowshit thing. Makes sense, some molds will kill you, not good at all.


Well-Known Member
its true but when my friend grew them he put them in his shoe box away from everything and under his bed. i guess thats good enough? cuz no one got sick and thats how he's been growing them


Well-Known Member
eh i wouldnt risk it
im just sayin
everything i have read has said STERILIZE EVERYTHING
even taking it as far as talking about wiping the walls of the room down with bleach and shit


Well-Known Member
eh i wouldnt risk it
im just sayin
everything i have read has said STERILIZE EVERYTHING
even taking it as far as talking about wiping the walls of the room down with bleach and shit
drobro23 is completely correct in saying that you must sterilize everything in order to be safe. That is why i like the filter patch bags because you only need to sterilize once, when your transplant the rye berries into the grow medium. I used to bleach my whole bathroom, take a shower, fill the room with Oust or something like that, and then suite up laboratory style with gloves, coat, goggles, mask and then do my transfer and get out.

However, this is like anything else that many people half ass and underestimate and come out golden with perfect shrooms and nobody gets hurt. I'm mad anal and OCD so I guess im in the better safe then sorry camp. Good luck.


Active Member
If your parents are hella suspicious then just get a better hiding spot. Like my friend cut open a stuffed animal and hides his in there...no one would look there if they were ACTUALLY trying to find your stash.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
for those of you being all like "you shoudl obey your parents tryranny", you hsould try livign iwht your parents again. its like hell. yeah... thats not gonna happen.
and its my first year going into college bu just i got accepted into a college which i can ride my bike to from my house so im gonna be staying here for a long ass time. since i got accepted into htis college they refused to pay to let me go to anohter one.
yeah... whatever ill just dig through the trash... if i dont find it i can steal anohter one anyways... i can also steal a hookah while im at it... and the lighters can be stolen too.
btw i steal EVERYTHING and i really dont care so dont try to tell me its wrong or any shit like htat.
and i WILL grow shrooms but first i need a little practice in not getting caught since my parents just LOVE to look through my shit.
Hahahaha the wanna be bad rebel girl. You go, fight the world thats how you play the game. Fuck everyone else over for a 6 dollar 7/11 shitty pipe and rollin' deep.
Steal a pack of gum to while your at it, thatll show your parents how tough your are. They wont mess with you anymore...

Watch out for this one, shes got the gat and the mac milly she gunna rob yall asses. Hardcore shit "BITCH GIMME THAT LIGHTER, NOW OR IMA BLAST"
