which fan leaves do I snip and when to do it?

cajun rose circle

Active Member
Lot's of people including myself cut the big "sucker" leaves. Just make sure that the shoot has established itself well. But if the leaf isn't hurting anything then leave it. I always tuck before I pluck.
Actually, that's what I've been doing is tucking them under the shoots

cajun rose circle

Active Member
here we go... are we really gonna start this stupid debate over again. it seems like every fucking week there is a new thread about cutting all the fan leaves off. why dont you just research one of those countless threads and read what people have already said because all the arguments are the same and people rarely change their mind about which way they feel. if it works for you fine thats great do whatever you want just maybe research your question because this one has been discussed many times over.
Because i'm an unbelievable prick