Which nutrients to buy in the UK


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, sorry for the n00b question but i've been doing a lot of reading on this site but can't quite find the definitive answer.

What nutrients should i buy in UK shops for vegging and flowering? Wanted to stick to the likes of ordinary garden centres or B&Q etc.

From my research most of the nutes talked about are american or bought from online specialised shops.

Cheers people! :smile:

edit:: oops should add it's for soil growing!


Active Member
hi i use canna nutrients they are probly the biggest brand name in the hydro game in this part of the world.
but i understand what you are saying about bnq they have a lot of plant foods but im not familiar with them personally.


Well-Known Member
Canna for sure , they have a great rep and are fairly cheap , 12 quid a pop for both bottles of the 2 part nutes , the website even gives you ratios , lighting times , and measurements for your res size and how much you need to use for the res , you cant really go wrong www.canna-uk.com/products :) hope this helps


Well-Known Member
if you want organic nutes go with the biobizz line, i use the bio-grow bio-bloom algamic and top max. excelent results highly recomended!


Active Member
hay mate, stay well away from anything at bnq, the soil is shite pre nuted stuff, the nutes (baby bio etc) aren't suitable and everting els they sell for growing doesnt suit for cannabis.

get the yellow pages out or summut and look up hydro shops, we have one near us, like many others i use canna products (terra vega and flores + pk13/14) i bought it off the shelf at the hydro store.

they sell everthing you need to grow weed and i'm sure you will have somewhere like this near you if you look hard enough.


Well-Known Member
Im using canna for my hydro set up, but im certain they do soil nutes too.

What nutes you usin on yr hydro? I got some hydro vega for the veg stage , but the website says its for run to waste , and aqua is the one i want for flood and drain , just need to know if hydro vega is still useable. or do i put it to one side and get the aqua vega instead , only 12 quid and i can spare that if my widow is gonna be in danger


Well-Known Member
Just googled hydro store and my area (on advice from stoner1984) and wouldn't ya know there's a hydro store just 4 miles from me ffs That's closer than B&Q!

Cheers for the replies :wink:


Active Member
i would take a few addys down and vist a few, some may be better value or have better stock so its worth spending a stoned saturady afternoon to take a tour round, thats what i did anyway.