Which strain for first indoor grow

Crunchy Calpol

Active Member
im in north western europe and think of startin an indoor grow. ive been lookin around and readin alot of grow logs and threads on here for quite some time now

im goin for a cfl set up with approx 175 watts for 3 plants. still undecided though. ill take any advice but its deffo gonna be a cfl grow

these are the strains in thinkin of right now, keeping in mind that this is a stealth grow and odour control is imperative
big bud from nirvana
Big Bud | Marijuana and Cannabis Seeds for Growing your own weed. Straight from the breeder.

purple bud from seedsman
Purple Bud Seeds - cannabis seeds

white widow from seedsman
White Widow Seeds - cannabis seeds

top skunk 44 from seedsman
Top Skunk 44 Seeds - cannabis seeds

really im just lookin for somethin that will produce loads. im not used to good stuff so it wouldnt really matter if it was only a mediocre smoke as long as there was alot of it. if anyone has any other strains u think would be good thow me a link please and thanks

Crunchy Calpol

Active Member
i dont think ill be doin an outdoor grow where i am. not a hope of it actually, the place is infested with rabits and its all bog around. doesnt really seem like a recipe for success right there. indoor is the only answer. and id rather not grow an outdoor strain inside. goes against there genetics ya know? seems like bullying to me haha. thanks anyways

anyone else got a few suggestions or tips for me?


Well-Known Member
I hear raves on Big Bud.....great yield and easy to gro. I got WW, NL, OB & Ice for my first grow...so I don't really know, but what I read ALOT.

The Boy

Well-Known Member
I'd probably go with the purple bud because it's got a pretty high thc content while still being easy to grow according to the site.