Which training is best


Active Member
Hey guys
Got 4 plants in a small cabinet. The seeds popped 8th November so just over a month old. The two at the back are unknown strain and the front two are green crack. All in soil and perlite mix under 105w actual quantum board. Just planted into 3 gallon pots last night, really strong roots. Cabinet is roughly 2.5x2.5 and 5 foot high.
Question is what training should I use in a small area like this. I have done some light lst training to the front right green crack.
Also got a funky green crack, been all crispy leaves from day one, is it worth keeping or should I get rid of it. Any ideas appreciated.



Active Member
All are probably over watered at the moment from transplanting, crispy one has been it that pot for a couple of weeks. Leaves have been like that since day one. They have all followed the same watering routine.
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Active Member
Yep, got 3 circulating fans in there. Also have a 4 inch fan sucking air in a 6 inch sucking it out.
Should I top the one I've started to lst?


Active Member
I repotted them three days ago, would it be to early to top and tie down or should I leave them alone for a few days to settle in?

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Training is a much debated topic. Which method and when and how long to wait before doing something again ??? It is daunting to consider.

Fortunately plants bounce back from our wise or misguided efforts to assist growth.

We know any kind of cutting creates some stress from which the plant needs a day or more to recover. Are you training because you just like a symmetrical canopy? Or out of concern going too tall? @coreywebster suggested supercropping and that’s a good idea. Least amount of stress with effective growth control. Even your apical cola... crop it don’t chop it! Better yet, leave it alone for max size. There’s nothing quite like an untopped boss cola! but you might run out of vertical space. Good luck and enjoy your harvest!
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Active Member
I topped them this morning and will start bending over next couple of days. Plants have lost a bit of colour. They were dark green but now turning lighter, any ideas to why. I definitely overwater when transplanting so hoping it's just that. I havent feed any nutes to this stage, should I start nutes on next water at half strength? Cheers for any input.

