White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network


Well-Known Member
He's going to hand over US sovereignty ... that's why he is being treated that way. That's how a President with two active wars wins the Nobel PEACE prize.

All roads now lead to Copenhagen...... it's a chance for the rest of the world to take a big bite out of the USA, and Obama will sign it smiling.
What's in this form him? Besides the 1.4 million and a nice pretty medal.


New Member
He gets to fufill his destiny for the left wing and the underground. The USA goes into mediocrity, but a mediocrity controlled permanently by socialism.

Once the capitalist engine is finally killed, it's not coming back.

It's a heck of a lot easier for an "A student" to get a "C" , than it is for a "C student" to get an "A".

Obama wants to turn the USA into a "C" economy.

Illegal Smile

One of the things studying history does is awaken one to how many times the US has been on the brink of this or that disaster with its demise right around the corner. Like "we're" going to be making the bamboo umbrellas for "their" fruity drinks. Bull. The US is getting a painful wakeup call that there is no isolation anymore. We are going to become more multicultural. We are going to have more near-peer economic competitors. When we get a cold the rest of the world gets the flu.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys!!

Just thought I'd check in on the thread and see what's going on with it. Thanks to all of you for keeping it going and being so active politically! I'm so glad to see that there are so many more people out there that are interested in what their government is doing TO them now. Voter apathy used to be so high and voter turn out was terrible. Glad to see we're all out there making our politicians answer to US and do what WE want them to do now, or they're OUTTA THERE!!!


New Member
If Obama signs that Copenhagen treaty it will become necessary to charge him with usurping the constitution.... and most certainly he will be challenged.


Well-Known Member
If Obama signs that Copenhagen treaty it will become necessary to charge him with usurping the constitution.... and most certainly he will be challenged.
What is that all about again? I've heard them talking about it on the news but I haven't really been paying close enough attention I guess.


New Member
It's about creating a one world govt which has no ballot or election process. The USA will for the first time in its history hand over it's sovereignty. In effect Obama will make our constitution subservient to the newly formed govt.

It's about redistribution of wealth on a global scale. Once we join, we will not be able to leave.

It will be an act of treason if Obama signs it, the constitution strictly and vehemently forbids it.


Well-Known Member
It's about creating a one world govt which has no ballot or election process. The USA will for the first time in its history hand over it's sovereignty. In effect Obama will make our constitution subservient to the newly formed govt.

It's about redistribution of wealth on a global scale. Once we join, we will not be able to leave.

It will be an act of treason if Obama signs it, the constitution strictly and vehemently forbids it.
That's some scary shit man. Almost reminds me of the New World Order conspiracies.


Well-Known Member
Watch this video Doc.... this must not be allowed to stand...

Wow! That's messed up. It's crazy that we would do something so wreckless and irresponsible. Sounds like the time to head for the hills and hunker down is getting closer and closer.


Well-Known Member
no i think that's pretty old white folks sterotype. Don't see how its funny..Never thought only black folks like chicken, but some racist white person did and the rest of the sheeple followed... know lots of great white basketball players ( larry bird being my favorite player ever) but again some racist white folk said only black people play basketball and the sheeple followed..and watermelon..i guess white folks don't eat that either.....never understood the humor of ignorant peoples stereotype....so no don't see the humor when its applied in the year of 2009..I guess it just lets me know what to teach my children...


New Member
The speaker knows his stuff and understands the language that is used in bill legislation. He;s doing us all a service and is a global warming expert himself. He sees through the smoke screen.


The speaker knows his stuff and understands the language that is used in bill legislation. He;s doing us all a service and is a global warming expert himself. He sees through the smoke screen.
I like the information posted under the video's description on youtube. Considering he had Al Gore's video banned in its original form in England gives him a lot of merit because the movie was full of crap.

Global warming is just fear mongering. There always has to be some impending doom to keep the masses in line.

I think the reason Obama started his time in office writing legislation geared towards Republicans (conservatives), such as legislation lessening gun control, was so that he could win them over to pass important socialist legislation now.

Bush did a bad job in office, but socialism is not the answer.

Big P

Well-Known Member
no i think that's pretty old white folks sterotype. Don't see how its funny..Never thought only black folks like chicken, but some racist white person did and the rest of the sheeple followed... know lots of great white basketball players ( larry bird being my favorite player ever) but again some racist white folk said only black people play basketball and the sheeple followed..and watermelon..i guess white folks don't eat that either.....never understood the humor of ignorant peoples stereotype....so no don't see the humor when its applied in the year of 2009..I guess it just lets me know what to teach my children...

you just have a lack of sense of humer, it would be one thing if i was posting them mean-spirtedly but its all in jest

i myself am a minority if it makes you feel better about it, but that has no relevance to anything cuz even if i wasnt i would still be an equal opportunity jokester, ill make fun of anybody and everybody if i predict it may get a laugh its just the kind of guy i am:bigjoint:

its funny the double standard people use, now I suppose you felt that same disgust when someone told you a polish joke as well?:bigjoint:

like what was the first polish invention?

submarine with a screen door:bigjoint:

what was the second polish invention?

solar flashlight:bigjoint:

how many polish people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

1001. 1000 to turn the house and 1 to hold the lightbulb:bigjoint:

im just sayin you should know how to separate a true racial attack with some pleasent run of the mill comedy regardless of what race or color its about, if its even about that,

for example:

you may think this momma joke is in poor taste. but to imply im some sort of fucked up person who hates or discriminates against mothers over it would say more about you than it would about me wouldnt it?

ok so here it is,

your momma so old she still got jesus' beeper number

your momma so short she gotta get a running start to get on the toilet:bigjoint:

2 arabs at a bar the day of 9/11 watching the news and laughing and speaking in arabic real loud laughing slapping five and drinking. finally one of the other guys at the bar got so irritaed with them he gets up walks over and slaps one of them in the face and says:


"This is america motherfucker!!! speak spanish like the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!":bigjoint:


New Member
When I was in high school I had a buddy who was Polish. His dad had this wickedly huge walrus mustache not unlike the OC chopper dude on TV. Kind of looked like him too...big family. So anyway one Xmas they put up their tree and the next day I go in the living room and it was a massive tree except it was too tall for the ceiling. What did they do? :lol: Why they chopped the top flush to the ceiling. It looked like it was going straight on up and through.

I just stared at it as my buddy explained its size being a problem.... I was like...dude, why didn't you trim some lower branches and trim the bottom.... All I got back was a stare. :lol:


Yes, P8, this guy sees through the political double talk and thankfully today Al Gore's movie is shown with a big disclaimer in British schools...